Damage Control Mouthguards

    • Damage Control Mouthguards
    • 2424 Washington Street NE
      Albuquerque, 87110,


    football mouthguard
    football mouth guards
    football mouthguard with lip guard
    youth football mouthguards
    Custom Football Mouthpiece
    Pacifier Mouthpiece


    Damage Control Mouthguards offers high-end oral protective guards and devices for exercise and sports. We stock professional mouthguards specially developed for sportspersons in need of better protection and a more comfortable fit. Our mouthguards are carefully designed to absorb heavy, repeated impact, without lowering the comfort level. We have a wide range of mouthguards available for different sporting activities, which include custom fit, high-impact, and lip protector mouthguards. We also offer Vertical Force Protection devices and mouthguard accessories like sanitizing spray and mouthguard cases, to ensure hygiene along with protection. Browse our selection at dcmouthguards.com or contact us to learn more.