
  • 607 Jorge Basadre Avenue, San Isidro, Peru
EstafaOpiniones is a website that provides consumer reviews in Spanish.
  • We review casino sites from Peru
  • 607 Jorge Basadre Avenue, San Isidro, Peru


EstafaOpiniones is a website that provides consumer reviews in Spanish.


The website has been accused of being a scam, and many users have raised concerns about its legitimacy. EstafaOpiniones has a simple design and does not require users to create an account or provide any personal information. The website provides reviews for a variety of products and services, and users can submit their own reviews. EstafaOpiniones also includes a blog with articles about consumer rights. While the website appears to be legitimate, there are some concerns that it may be a scam. EstafaOpiniones does not perform any verification of reviews, so it is possible for fake reviews to be posted. In addition, the website does not disclose how it generates revenue, which raises suspicion. Overall, EstafaOpiniones appears to be a legitimate website, but there are some concerns that it may be a scam.