El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers

    • 1120 Pacific Coast Hwy
      Ste A, Huntington Beach, CA 92648, UNITED STATES
    Always Open


    law firm
    personal injury
    el dabe ritter


    We assist on injuries such as wrongful death, concussions and brain injuries, broken bones, herniated discs, ligament injuries, quadriplegia, arm and leg injuries, dog bites, facial injuries, burns, other neck and back injuries, that result from auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip/trip and falls, construction site accidents, and other injuries.

    Millions in settlements for thousands of happy clients, accident victims and their families.

    Each case accepted by me is approached with the same philosophy:

    1. A focus entirely on the injured client;
    2. Aggressive representation by experienced attorneys;
    3. Immediate steps towards proper medical treatment and insurance coverage;
    4. Personal attention to the client and ease of access to the attorney

    Edmond El Dabe and Jonathan Ritter are well-respected California lawyers, called upon by their peers to litigate major injury cases.
