Dorothy and Martha Moving and Art Handling

  • 95 South 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11249
Dorothy and Martha Moving and Art Handling - affordable movers in Brooklyn for your next relocation
  • moving Company
  • 95 South 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11249
  • 95 South 2nd St
    Brooklyn, New York 11249, UNITED STATES


Dorothy and Martha Moving and Art Handling - affordable movers in Brooklyn for your next relocation


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If you are looking for art handling companies NYC, you just found the solution. Dorothy & Martha moving is one of the most reliable moving companies in New York. If you are dealing with art and need to relocate, you can rely on us. We handle art in the most professional manner, making sure to keep your belongings safe. If you need us to handle your artwork or relocate your home, we are at your service. Book one of the best moving companies Brooklyn and get your moving quote today.