Modern and Contemporary Rugs

    Some things only increase in value over time and antique rugs definitely belong to that prestigious bunch.
    • Moroccan rug, modern rugs, blue rug, antique rugs
    • 3601 Piedmont Rd NE
      Atlanta,GA, 30305,


    Some things only increase in value over time and antique rugs definitely belong to that prestigious bunch.


    Moroccan rug
    modern rugs
    blue rug
    antique rugs
    vintage rugs
    oushak rugs
    contemporary rugs


    Some things only increase in value over time and antique rugs definitely belong to that prestigious bunch. Although made in the distant past, antique carpets smoothly fit into contemporary décors, adding a dimension of style and history that no other accessory can match, not to mention their strictly practical function. Executed in the long-established weaving techniques of solely natural, top-notch materials, antique floor coverings are distinguished by an unmatched quality which enabled them to withstand the centuries of usage. Their mesmerizing, deeply symbolic and traditional patterns vary depending on the region of making while maintaining the common spirit of the magnificent Oriental design art.

    At Doris Leslie Blau we offer the widest selection of venerable Persian rugs, antique Turkish rugs, recherché Indian carpets, antique Caucasian rugs and elegant European rugs to fulfill your dreams of having a truly unique and soulful foundation on which to build the room in the XXI century.

    Preserving the rich legacy of the ancient Oriental craft yet deep-seated in the Modernist aesthetic thought reflecting the profound socio-political changes of the turbulent century, vintage rugs have gained wide recognition in the mid-twenties and today continue to fascinate art aficionados, designers and tastemakers alike.