Do you want to develop a p2p platform software that will resolve the current issues in the payment industry? Do you want to provide them with a unique p2p payment service facility that aligns with the latest technological advancements? As you go through this blog, you’ll unfold the secrets on how to build a p2p payment app. #p2p#payment#mobileapp#blockchain#decentralized#app#mobileapps, #androidapp, #ios#apps
There are simple ways you can design a perfect UX for your blockchain app. Just following some easy steps will result in an app design that will be convenient for the users. Find out more about blockchain app UX design with this article. #androidapp#apps#mobileapp#ios#iphoneapps#ios#apps#mobileapp#app
Photos are not cutting it anymore in this social media age, it is the time for videos. Whether you are a physical trainer, a makeup artist, a chef or just another vlogger, this is the video age and in this video age, live streaming is the king.
Broadcasting videos to the audience live in real time is the new trend for any kind of social media influencer. It not only gives a unique chance to the audience to connect with you in real time, but it also gives them the chance to express their opinion on what you are talking about instantly, as we can see with the Instagram live feature. With all that being said, there is a surplus of live streaming app in the market today. So in this market if you are thinking about making a live streaming app then make sure to do a market research first.
Once you have done a market research and taken a measure of all the live streaming apps already there, you have to decide whether you want to build a pure live streaming app or a composite live streaming app. After making that decision, you can easily move on to the next step of how to build a live streaming app, that is feature planning and development. With good features you can easily make a great live streaming app. #androidapp#apps#mobileapp#ios#iphoneapps#ios#apps#mobileapp#app
Planning the right monetization strategy is the key to real success of your app. No matter how much people love you app and how many downloads your app must have, it still doesn’t matter if there is no monetization opportunity. Learn more about app monetization strategy in this article. #androidapp#apps#mobileapp#ios#iphoneapps#ios#apps#mobileapp#app