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    Added on 26 April 2022

    9 Benefits of Marketing Automation You Need to Know

    26 April 2022

    Marketing automation makes use of software tools to streamline repetitive marketing tasks. Nowadays, businesses can eliminate mundane responsibilities associated with email outreach, social media management, and sometimes even paid ads to not only save time and money, but also deliver a superior service to their customers.

    Major Benefits of Automating Your Marketing Strategy

    Having figured out the basics of marketing automation, we'll go over some of the advantages and explore how it can help you attain your marketing objectives.

    1. Saves both time and money

    One benefit of marketing automation is that it is both time-saving and cost-efficient. You can use email marketing tools to do the tedious tasks for you especially if you’re in the SaaS industry or in eCommerce. By utilizing those tools, you can devise an email marketing strategy, set up a campaign, and allow it to take action over time. Once website visitors subscribe to the newsletter by inputting a valid email address on a specific page of your website, they’ll subsequently be registered to your list and start receiving your pre-assigned mails.

    Over the course of a campaign, your prospects will get emails designed to be incredibly pertinent to their current stage along the buyer's journey. Thus, you'll be inundating them with insightful email updates frequently without any action required on your side.

    2. Keeps your customers engaged with personalized content

    Providing personalized content is an additional significant aspect of marketing automation and can help you connect with your website visitors by delivering messages that cater to their specific needs. Rather than ending up at a single landing page, they will be confronted with offerings and CTAs that are tailored to their preferences.

    Moreover, by using artificial intelligence (AI) to examine customer behaviors and suggest relevant products can lead to more personalized customer experiences. By strategically leveraging discounts, promoting giveaways with single-use promo QR code that is exclusive to customers, you can enhance a customer's experience while navigating your website.

    For example, you can incorporate chatbots by utilizing a customer satisfaction platform to gather feedback in order to provide a better customer experience while also increasing sales and conversion rates or you can have them developed by a chatbot agency that can integrate a chatbot into your website based on the metrics relevant to your business. By doing so, you will not simply grow your company by guiding prospects to web pages that will lead to conversion, but you will also enhance the experience of your website visitors.

    Delivering useful resources early on makes it simpler for your customers to make smart decisions, thereby providing a satisfying relationship with your product from the beginning. A similar principle applies to enterprise video platforms that assist in addressing video streaming requirements of corporate settings.

    3. Use Aritic for marketing automations

    Aritic PinPoint is a unified marketing automation software platform for marketing operations teams at small and medium businesses. It helps you to build relationships with leads, automate marketing campaigns and convert leads to paying customers easily.

    It has features such as landing page builder, SEO tracking, keywords tracking, lead scoring, lead tracking, lead nurturing, email campaign management, email campaign automation, push notification campaigns, marketing campaign builder, a/b testing, and website tracking features with marketing assets management. Aritic PinPoint integrates with CMS, like WordPress, and Drupal, has bi-directional native CRM integration with Salesforce, SugarCRM, Dynamic CRM, Zoho CRM, and social media platform integration with, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Foursquare, Instagram.

    Aritic PinPoint is perfect for a marketing team to get going from day one. It is user-friendly and is easy to understand in seconds.

    4. Maximizes your leads

    As you keep delivering informative content both on your website and via social media, you can maximize the likelihood of conversion. Keep in mind that every interaction propels your prospects forward to becoming customers, thereby making marketing automation a worthwhile investment. In short, instead of hiring a social media assistant you can rely on social media automation tools to do the mundane tasks for you.

    5. Provides Better ROI

    Beyond enabling you to take time off, try to get in touch with your website visitors and nurture leads, marketing automation of the tedious tasks provides a strong return on investment.

    Businesses that utilize marketing automation achieve better results and have greater outcomes across their entire marketing efforts. As a matter of fact, businesses that streamline certain aspects of their marketing efforts achieve up to 53 percent better conversion rates over those that do not. Better conversion rate leads to more consumers ultimately resulting in higher revenue, with businesses experiencing an estimated 34 percent rise in income.

    In other words, automating marketing tasks enables you to simply design marketing campaigns or customize content at once, and allow the program to take care of the rest, thus being a smart choice for your online presence. However, you still have the opportunity to review and adjust your approach based on what you find out from the data. Even so, the upfront investment you put in has the likelihood to pay off in the long run.

    6. Ensures a budget-friendly choice

    As marketing automation gains traction, the advantages are endless. The same as in any other industry, there are some agencies intending to impose you beyond your budget. Some agencies are more affordable, however, they are unwilling to let you know exactly how your money is spent. These are the types of agencies you should stay away from no matter what the cost.

    Conduct a little research, and find automation service providers who are transparent about their pricing structures. Don't forget to get an idea of how they report outcomes, and review case studies from existing and former clients to derive maximum benefit with marketing automation.

    7. Facilitates communication between teams members

    An automated system cannot substitute for your own expertise and knowledge, so it cannot take responsibility for your full marketing efforts. Though most integrated marketing agencies provide automation software in their offerings, these solutions are intended only to augment an existing digital marketing strategy, and are not designed to completely eliminate it.

    Automation can simplify a great deal of work for your marketing campaigns and streamline your processes to some extent, but you should have an internal marketer at your company as well as an account supervisor of your selected agency who is actively engaged. Ideally, you should have someone to oversee your whole marketing plan, track and be on the lookout for progress, and interact with prospective clients. They’ll want to look over your automatic marketing initiatives to figure out how well they perform, and tweak your strategy accordingly.

    If you are planning on automating your marketing efforts, understand that it can be a crucial aspect of your marketing strategy, as long as you are certain that your marketing efforts are efficient enough to deliver meaningful outcomes.

    8.Enhances Email Functionality

    One of the most challenging elements about marketing automation revolves around email. The reason is that it is suitable for developing sophisticated email campaigns, rather than conventional “bulk emailing” to a big audience.

    Depending on your industry, your organization might be utilizing another  type of bulk emailing service which enables you to  deliver a single message to all recipients in your contact list. In some cases, such emails prove to be efficient, however customized messages delivered via automatic tools are basically more efficient.

    While utilizing the software tools provided by automation agencies, digital marketers can yield two times as many prospects as they can from email blasting. As a result, a marketing automation system allows you to customize your emails according to various segments of your intended customers, and distribute customized messages to every recipient.

    9. Provides highly customized solutions

    A typical belief is that automated marketing gives rise to inhumane, cold campaigns, and if executed by a marketer with not enough experience, that is what might happen. However, with the right approach, the content for demand-led campaigns can still be produced by professional writers, and adapted to specific targets of a particular customer base.

    Thus, automatic campaigns can prove to be more personalized than their non-automated counterparts. With automation, you are able to segment your customer base based on various characteristics, so you can deliver a customized message according to each group. It enables you to integrate personalized content in a more comprehensive way so as to attract prospects.

    For more insights into marketing automation in such a specific industry as eCommerce consider checking out eCommerce business startup tips and make your eCommerce business successful by picking marketing strategies and tactics that will work best for you. Not just in the eCommerce industry, even when you are developing office fitness challenge apps, providing highly customized solutions is essential for your continued success.

    Launching an online business is not straightforward at all, so you can find out how to use Zapier for your business and get familiar with various tools and strategies that will help you succeed. Almost all types of companies' primary goal is to turn prospects into customers, and the most effective way to do so is by supplying each prospect with a customized experience that is specific to their preferences.

    Additionally, users should have the ability to navigate smoothly through your online store, for instance. This seems confusing, but it's the first thing everyone takes into consideration implicitly. And if you have a hard time doing it yourself, you can always hire eCommerce developer to do the job for you.

    With an automated tool, you can avoid wasting time researching your potential customers and their particular interests, and devoting time to writing and developing content tailored to various segments to ensure a comfortable experience when buying.


    Among the biggest misperceptions marketing professionals hold on is why they should utilize marketing automation. Although most people use automation software for email marketing, it can also be utilized for other goals, such as social media, prospecting, and lead generation, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

    Marketing automation aims to automate tedious tasks so that they take less time to complete. Take into account the time you devote to collecting email addresses, maintaining social media profiles, and reviewing potential customers. All of these are arduous activities, and those could be made simpler by using appropriate automation tools.

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