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    Added on 11 June

    6 Exciting Tech Innovations That Are Transforming Dentistry

    11 June

    It’s no secret that technology continues to transform industries, with dentistry being no exception. The technological developments that have occurred over the last decade are phenomenal and they’re helping to make treatments more cost effective for dentists and therefore patients, as well as them being less invasive, so everyone benefits from it. We’re covering technologies being used in both dental practices and at-home, and whilst they may be an investment, they’re a fantastic option.

    5D Scanners

    Firstly we have 5D scanners, which have been a phenomenal development for the dental industry. This intraoral scanner takes 5D images of the teeth, mouth and gums and then shows the scans on a screen in real time. It helps to conduct a thorough review of a patient’s oral health and is a great alternative to having to take physical moulds using putty. The scanner can easily be moved around the mouth and is a comfortable procedure that takes just a few minutes.

    One of the major benefits of 5D scanners comes along with augmented reality, which we’re moving onto! There are also some things that dentists can’t always identify with the naked eye, such as early signs of decay at the very back of the mouth, which the scanner can pick up on. The upfront cost of a 5D scanner sits at around £20,000, however as we’ll explore further, it’s an extremely cost effective long term investment considering just how much you can get back from it as a practice.

    Augmented Reality

    Next we have augmented reality, and as discussed, this ties in really well with the 5D scanners. The main benefit of augmented reality in dentistry is that it can be used to make effective diagnosis and then project the right treatment plan for patients. Dentists are able to take the 5D scans and then show accurate before and after images of what the person’s smile will look like.

    They can show options with a range of different treatments, for example how a smile would look if the person was to have Invisalign compared to composite veneers. In terms of cost efficiency, the fact that patients can see exactly what their smile is going to look like if they committed to the treatment means that the amount of consultations that convert into actual patient bookings often increases significantly. It makes the process much easier for dentists, gives patients peace of mind and overall, everyone benefits.

    Smart Toothbrushes

    A tech innovation that is transforming people’s oral health routines at home is smart toothbrushes. These electric toothbrushes are connected to an app that you download on your phone, then the built-in sensors within the toothbrush send data through to the app about your brushing. It can flag any areas you’re missing, whether you’re brushing for too long in certain places, whether you need to brush closer to your gums, whether you’re using too much pressure and if the motion is correct. All of this information is sent in real time to the app, so if you miss a spot then it picks up on it.

    Smart toothbrushes help you to brush more thoroughly or in some cases, make sure you’re not causing damage by brushing too hard or for too long. This is a fully customised experience that helps users to brush their teeth in a more effective and efficient way, and the starting prices of around £100 (or around £70 when there are promotions on) and the fact that they last for years make them accessible to the majority of people.

    3D Printing

    Another great technological development that is transforming dentistry is 3D printing. This can be used to create 3D objects that are required to support dental treatment, in a more cost effective and accurate way than if it were to be done more manually. If a patient is having Invisalign, their series of clear aligners can quickly and easily be created. Patients having dental implants, crowns, bridges or dentures can also massively benefit from the possibilities of 3D printing in relation to their treatment. This has been a true digital transformation for the manufacturing industry.

    Whilst the improved accuracy is a benefit, 3D printing is also much more cost effective, so often the saving will be passed on in part to the patient, benefiting all parties. Many smaller dental practices will outsource their 3D printing to an external company, whereas others will invest in the machinery, particularly if they specialise in orthodontics or dental implants, where the investment will be more than worth it.

    CBCT Scans

    CBCT scans (dental cone beam CT scans) are another technological development that are transforming dentistry for both the implantologist and the patient. This scan is able to generate accurate scans of the teeth, mouth, jaw and neck, with them being most commonly used for patients needing dental implants. As an implant is being inserted into the jaw bone, previously there was a risk that this would disrupt a nerve that may be not quite where it was expected to be, and cause quite serious issues.

    However, with CBCT scans, it can pick up on where all of the bones, nerves and soft tissues are in highly accurate detail, so that there is no element of surprise and the treatment can be planned extremely efficiently and accurately based on these scans. Not only is the treatment lower risk, but the results are more effective. Not every dental practice is able to afford the machinery needed to conduct CBCT scans, but for those who are able to offer it, it can make a significant difference for patients in terms of them committing to the treatment with increased confidence. For example, if only one dentist in Leamington Spa is able to offer a CBCT scan for their dental implant patients, they’ll likely dominate the area in the field.

    Laser Dentistry

    Last but not least, we have laser dentistry. Laser technology is now used to enable less invasive and more precise treatments, usually either removing cavities or reshaping the gums. The wavelength in these lasers can cut through bone when it needs to and can be used in many different ways.

    Prior to this, scalpels would usually be used to perform similar procedures like gum reshaping, which as you can imagine, will be much more invasive and less accurate. In terms of cavities, it would usually involve drilling prior to lasers being available for use, which again, would be much more uncomfortable for the patient. Instead, with laser, pain, swelling and recovery is all reduced, with faster healing for the patient. This makes treatment more simple and comfortable for the patient, as well as more accurate for the dentist. Again, not all dentists can afford to use lasers, so when you’re looking at treatments like the above, it would always be worth asking what the treatment method is and potentially looking for a practice that is able to offer the laser version of the treatment.

    Final Thoughts

    The progress that has been made in terms of tech innovations that are being used in dentistry is phenomenal, and it’s exciting to think about what else might arise over the next 10 years to take things to the next level! Patients benefit, dentists make more money and overall, everyone is happier thanks to the opportunities that technology can provide for the dental industry. Don’t be afraid to ask your dentist about what investments they are making in the latest technologies, as if/when you need treatment, it can make a big difference to your experience.

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