
  • Eastleigh Business Centre, Wessex House, Upper Market Street
DataGardener is a companies information provider UK.
  • Data Gardener
  • Eastleigh Business Centre, Wessex House, Upper Market Street
  • Eastleigh Business Centre, Wessex House
    Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, hemisphere SO50 9FD, UNITED KINGDOM


DataGardener is a companies information provider UK.


Company Data Provider UK
Companies Information Provider UK
Company Information UK
Director Information UK
Company Information
UK Business Database
Company Finance Check UK
Company Search In UK
New Company Data
Company Near Me
Companies house


DataGardener is a companies information provider UK. It helps companies to find relevant data which can include like directors, assets, profit, turnover, employees. It even allows access to micro data which is hard to find. One can even apply a number of filters in advanced search options to get streamlines company information without wasting time. Some of the filters are director name, industry, location, SIC code, post town, category, country, county, address, incorporation to name a few. The company makes sure to nourish your business needs by providing apt, updated and accurate data.