900 2nd Ave S #495, Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN 55402, UNITED STATES
Contata Solutions, founded in 2000, is a Data Science Service Provider & Software Application Development Company, headquartered in Minneapolis, US with 5 offices including offshore centers in India More
KPI Dashboards & Alerts-
Track Key Performance Indicators for your business:
Design and implementation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is critical for monitoring the health of different aspects of your business. Examples of such Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can include Sales Amount, Sales Volume, Profit per Item, etc.
Carefully designed dashboards can help with continuous monitoring of KPIs as well as sending our alerts to stakeholders when normal trends are breached. https://contata.com/business-intelligence
Data Governance-
Control data quality with governance policies and standards:
The quality, consistency and security of your data are critical in enabling fresh business insights and data-driven strategies. Contata can help design and implement the processes, procedures, policies and metrics towards an ongoing data-governance practice. https://www.contata.com/data-engineering