Artificial intelligence is making a mark on the cannabis industry.
Artificial Intelligence is everywhere you look: from self-driving cars to voice-activated home assistants, we welcome automation into our lives in more ways than one. We’ve also integrated artificial intelligence into new ways of doing business, using data as a powerful industry driver to more effectively use resources and keep costs low.
2035 Sunset Lake Road Suite B-2, Newark, Delaware 19702, UNITED STATES
Calm Collectiv LLC is the most trusted publication in USA covering all the latest news for cannabis businesses including new legislation, bill updates, marijuana news, cannabis edibles and marijuana side More
It’s time we address this controversial topic head on. Is there a link between cannabis and video game performance?
For many gamers, there’s no more relaxing, immersive, and enjoyable way to spend an evening than staying home with a joint or two and a good game. Videogames and cannabis are a match made in heaven, but that’s hardly news – videogames are designed to fascinate, and cannabis makes things extra fascinating, so it makes intuitive sense. But what is it, exactly, that makes this combo so much fun?
Cannabis can boost divergent thinking, alter senses and perceptions, heighten imagination, and (for some users more than others) increase creativity. These effects make sitting around and watching cartoons more interesting, but they’re going to waste if that’s all you do. So, how do you make the most out of a high?
🐶🐱🐭🐼 Is CBD right for your pet? We have some insights.
When we talk about CBD-based derivatives it’s often in relation to treating an array of chronic conditions. Now that the distinction between cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has entered common understanding, CBD is at the fore of a vibrant new kind of health and wellness. Many of these conditions — chronic pain, anxiety disorder, acne, even severe epilepsy — whose sufferers relied on pharmaceuticals to treat, have in recent years receivedgotten considerable attention for being compatible with CBD treatments.
May your weekend be filled with pools, donuts, pool floaties that look like donuts, and sprinkles. Lot’s of sprinkles. 🍩🍩🍩🍩 Want to make your own fun? We’ve got a crash course on #edibles and some damn good recipes. Learn more on our website.
Meditation and weed can be a powerful combination.
As meditation becomes increasingly popular as a way to manage stress, aid in mindfulness and increase happiness, people are beginning to notice its remarkable effects on the body and mind. From wellness to physiological, mediation is known to have positive effects that extend to every part of life. Coupling that with cannabis, meditation can help expand your mind and help your body manage stress and other physiological responses.