Business Integrity Services

Established in 2019, Business Integrity Services (BIS) was founded to meet the growing demands of a large healthcare company’s back office support needs.
  • Business Integrity Services
  • 504 N. Reo Street, Tampa,FL
Established in 2019, Business Integrity Services (BIS) was founded to meet the growing demands of a large healthcare company’s back office support needs.
  • Business Integrity Services
  • 504 N. Reo Street, Tampa,FL
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Added on 09 December 2021
#Credentialing is the process of confirming credentials to an authoritative body. Credentialing is often required for physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals who want to work in a new country or state. The credentialing process can be tedious and confusing, so it’s important to get started early. Failure to get properly credentialed may result in not being allowed to treat patients legally and could cause significant harm and lawsuits down the line. The following checklist outlines what you need to
Physician Credentialing Checklist - Business Integrity Services businessintegrityservices.com The physician credentialing process can be time consuming. Follow this easy checklist to help you keep track of all your requirements....

Added on 18 November 2021
The revenue cycle is the lifeblood of any healthcare organization. Learn how to identify and implement strategies for optimizing your revenue cycle.

4 Key Strategies to Improve Revenue Cycle Management Optimization businessintegrityservices.com In healthcare, revenue cycle optimization is a critical component in the success of any organization.Learn how to identify and implement revenue cycle optimizat...

Added on 08 November 2021
Learn more about the challenges of Revenue Cycle Management and how to overcome them.

Top 6 Revenue Cycle Management Challenges in Healthcare businessintegrityservices.com Find out why healthcare revenue cycle management has become more difficult, and how to overcome these challenges....

Added on 15 June 2021
Why is medical billing outsourcing so important?

The shortage of medical professionals means that many healthcare providers are reducing or eliminating their overall administrative staff to cut costs. This means that they've reduced the number of staff members, and have increased the volume of service they can provide. And the volume of services is increasing. Patients are receiving more services that have higher fees, but this doesn't always translate to better care. A December 2017 study by the National Patient