Back to Back Chiropractic

  • 1343 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95118
Offer benefits for patients seeking relief from lower back pain, headaches, poor posture for various types of injuries, including those caused by car accidents.
  • From Headaches to Injuries and Everything in Between
  • 1343 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95118
Added on 02 July 2019

Causes of Back Pain You were Unaware of

02 July 2019

The nonspecific low back pain is often mild or severe. One of the common reasons is sciatica or nerve root pain. For treatment, individuals often visit lower back pain chiropractor. A lot of patients are unaware of the reasons behind issues in this region of the body.

In the subsequent sections, we have discussed various causes of back pain that the people are unaware of.

Not sleeping properly

Various individuals sleep on their stomach, which proves harmful to their health. Such posture while sleeping puts pressure on your muscles and back. The spine stays neutral and elongated if you sleep on your back or side. If you prefer sleeping on your stomach, it is advised to use a pillow to keep the head in line with the spine. Using medium mattresses also solves this problem.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Though RA mainly affects the joints of hands, feet, and wrist, it can also target your back. Due to break down of your vertebrae, the nerves originating from the cervical spine are pinched or compressed. You may experience stiffness and pain in such a condition.


Also known as “brittle bone disease,” osteoporosis results in weaker bones. This condition is commonly observed among older women who get prone to fracture in the spine. Sometimes, bones might break even without injury. To avoid this condition, one must exercise regularly and maintain a normal weight.


The patients suffering from pancreatitis commonly experience pain in the upper abdomen. This pain travels to the back in most of the cases. The patients also experience symptoms like vomiting and nausea.

Slouching in front of the screen

Perhaps you have already heard the issues one faces due to sitting in front of screens like laptop and smartphone. The individuals with such lifestyle feel pain and ache in the back, neck, and shoulders. If your job also involves sitting in front of the screen, it is advisable to take breaks and perform neck exercises.


It is a known fact that stress is the root cause of numerous ailments. As per the research by the University of Alberta in Canada, the people suffering from major depression have high chances of developing severe neck and low-back pain.

For most of these issues, a San Jose-based chiropractic professional can offer you help. Back To Back Chiropractic Center is one such place you can visit if you are suffering from mild or severe lower back pain. Learn more about the efficacy of this therapy from here: https://www.backtobackchiro.com/


On the off chance that you are hoping to find what chiropractor care can do for you, seeking relief from lower back pain, headaches, poor posture, spine/disc, accidents etc. Chiropractic care in San Jose More
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