Back to Back Chiropractic

  • 1343 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95118
Offer benefits for patients seeking relief from lower back pain, headaches, poor posture for various types of injuries, including those caused by car accidents.
  • From Headaches to Injuries and Everything in Between
  • 1343 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95118
Added on 02 July 2019

Chiropractic Treatment for Workplace Injuries

02 July 2019

Various individuals visit family chiropractic center in San Jose for neck pain and shoulder pain. The employees from California suffering from workplace injuries can also contact a chiropractor for better treatment. The best part about this form of treatment is that you don’t have to consume any medicine. Nor you have to worry about surgeries.

Let’s have a look at common causes of workplace injuries.

Repetitive motion: The tasks like packing boxes or chopping food repetitively can result in chronic pain, muscle strain, or even tendonitis in some cases. Something as simple as typing also leads to such issues.

Tripping/Falling: Trips, slip, and falls account for around 33 percent of all workplace injuries. Due to slipping or falling, the employees face issues like sprains, broken bones, back injuries, and pulled muscles.

Overexertion: The workers tend to overexert themselves when indulged in the tasks related to pulling, lifting, holding, or carrying of heavy objects. A common issue associated with overexertion is physical burnout. Some individuals also face problems like chronic pain, strained muscles, etc.

Being hit with falling objects: Some employees work in an environment where chances of running into obstacles or being hit with flying debris are high. In such workplaces, the employees face issues like a foot, head, back, and neck injuries.

What to do immediately after an injury?

In spite of safety measures taken by your organization, there are always chances of injuries when indulged in work. If you face any injury, inform your colleague about the same immediately or contact the person responsible for carrying out first aid procedure.

Under California law, every employer is required to carry insurance for worker’s compensation. Inform the concerned person immediately so that he/she can execute the claim-related procedure. 

How can chiropractic care help?

Chiropractic care is effective against all types of workplace injuries, including slipped discs, herniated discs, sprains, and strains. Workers who are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome can also get the support of a trustworthy chiropractor. Recovery is quicker when the workers take the support of a chiropractor. Without any invasive treatment, they can get back to work. Various professionals also include exercise for better recovery. And some professionals take the support of Kinesio Taping and nutrition consultation to ease up the pain of the patients.

When compared to other forms of treatment, chiropractic care is cost-effective. Due to all these advantages, workers from San Jose prefer chiropractic care over other treatments. Contact Back To Back Chiropractic if you are suffering from any workplace injury. The chiropractors from this center offer treatment for numerous medical issues. Learn all about the treatment offered by the center, along with the experience of the chiropractors from here: http://backtobackchiro.com/.


On the off chance that you are hoping to find what chiropractor care can do for you, seeking relief from lower back pain, headaches, poor posture, spine/disc, accidents etc. Chiropractic care in San Jose More
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