Recent studies have revealed that 6 out of every 10 people with cancer use herbal medicine. Carolina Brooks at Anthrobotanica provides nutritional therapy support for cancer patients which enhances the effects of chemotherapy and mitigates its harmful side-effects. Visit the website for more details-
Functional medicine in the UK focuses on the responsible incorporation of clinical research related to physiology interaction and mechanism. This #system-biology based #medical approach is based on #nutrition and #biochemistry. For more detail, click this link-
No more need to compromise on the productivity of your business due to increased absenteeism. Anthrobotanica offers a range of #corporatewellness#programmes and #strategies in London, such as in-house consultations, group workshops, talks and seminars to manage #stress at work and a lot more. Visit Anthrobotanica today.
Nutritional therapy is one of the best ways to support your immunity. Whether it is cold sores, recurring colds, autoimmune flares or the other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, coeliac disease, psoriasis, etc., all can be effectively treated through nutritional therapy. Anthrobotanica is a provider of nutritional therapy for autoimmune diseases that you can trust for the best results.
While these were some of the benefits of nutritional therapy, there are many others, such as improving sleep, increasing strength and endurance, weight loss, overall improvement in body function, balance chronic health condition among many others. In addition to improving cardiovascular health, nutritional therapy can also help in unexplained fertility and hormone-related conditions. At the end of the day, whether you have a specific health condition that you want to address or simply want to check that you are on the right track to healthy eating, nutritional therapy can help you in identifying the right foods and lifestyle choices that can help you look and feel your absolute best.
If you are struggling with this problem, then nutritional therapy for stress can work for you. For more detail, click this link-