Recent studies have revealed that 6 out of every 10 people with cancer use herbal medicine. Carolina Brooks at Anthrobotanica provides nutritional therapy support for cancer patients which enhances the effects of chemotherapy and mitigates its harmful side-effects. Visit the website for more details-
In the last decade, naturopathic treatment has become one of the most important alternative healing methods. People prefer naturopathic treatments over conventional medicines these days due to the side effects that may present with pharmaceutical medicines. If you are looking for a naturopath in the UK, then Anthrobotanica could be the best option. They offer their services in London but offer remote consultations. For more detail, click this link-
Nutritional therapy for cancer patients is considered as a promising option to help them deal with gastrointestinal symptoms, increasing antioxidant compounds and other beneficial compounds that help to mitigate harmful side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. For more detail, click this link-
If you are struggling with this problem, then nutritional therapy for stress can work for you. For more detail, click this link-
Nutritional therapy is one of the best ways to support your immunity. Whether it is cold sores, recurring colds, autoimmune flares or the other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, coeliac disease, psoriasis, etc., all can be effectively treated through nutritional therapy. Anthrobotanica is a provider of nutritional therapy for autoimmune diseases that you can trust for the best results.
If you are planning to pursue nutritional therapy for autoimmune diseases, then Anthrobotanica can prove out to be the right choice for you. Find out more-