I love great food and drink, photography, writing, reading, exploring new places, nature and plan one day to buy my own motor home and go travelling. More
Sherwood Forestalexbloodfire.com
Sherwood Forest, sat in the heart of Nottinghamshire and the legendary stomping ground of Robin Hood and his merry men back in the day. Home to the infamous Maj...
Children questioning whether they are #trans need shielding from content on #CBBC and #Childline, a mother who claims her teenage son was “groomed” into taking #hormoneblockers has said.
Royal Air Force Museum, Londonalexbloodfire.com
Today I visited The Royal Air Force Museum situated in North London and what a great afternoon it was. The whole museum, split into a whopping six hangers, was ...
It's as everybody feared; Tavistock gender clinic ‘converting’ gay children.
A gay psychologist who worked at the NHS’s only gender transition clinic for children spoke of his fears that the clinic was running “conversion therapy for gay kids”.