Adzze Advertising

  • 302 West 86th Street, 11A 10024 New York
The media that place your brand in the hand of the consumer.
  • Adzze is the leading provider of In-Hand Advertising.
  • 302 West 86th Street, 11A 10024 New York
Added on 16 June 2022
Door hanger flyers are becoming very popular among advertisers and the marketing industry. Marketers are adapting to working with door-hanger distribution companies to promote their brands. Door hangers and flyers are a type of guerilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing adopts untraditional and creative advertising ideas and implements them in the best way possible. We are already familiar with the consequences of pandemics. People prefer to work and stay at home for their health. In this situation, to keep running the advertising industry, marketers are focusing on advertising methods that reach people in their homes.

How to Identify the Best Door Hanger Flyer Distribution Companies

Is it worth working with door hanger distribution companies?

Door hangers are printed flyers with personalized messages on them. They are distributed to the target location. Customers become surprised and excited when they see the personal brand ad on their door handle. It produces cognitive stimuli in the brain that influence the consumer’s mind and leave a memorable experience. As a result, it increases the brand recall rate and eventually increases brand growth.

Advertisers are looking for methods that are cost-effective and provide improved results. A door hanger flyer advertisement saves you a lot of money compared to the traditional way of advertising like a billboard. The door hanger flyers’ expenditure depends on the distribution locations, shipping costs, complexity of designs, and units/quantities to be produced. After selecting the right and best hanger distribution companies and distributors, it can cost you an average of $0.25-0.60 per unit. Compared with the traditional advertising methods like billboards that cost around $14,000 to $20,000/month, you are saving a large sum of money. You can cover the 50,000 households in a targeted location with this amount of money.
Read More: https://www.adzze.com/how-to-identify-the-best-door-hanger-flyer-distribution-companies/


As the effects of the economic impact of COVID-19 crisis continue to spread and spill over the advertising industry, advertisers are facing the challenge to adapt the advertising message and tactics. Adzze More
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