One of the most effective ways of inspiring positive change in society is through community service. The Social Welfare Department of Youth Club (YC) continues to translate this vision into action since its very inception.
The Social Welfare Department keeps on planning various activities and excursions to different places in order to invigorate the love for humanity in everyone’s hearts. Through these small but meaningful efforts, YC aims to encourage others to become positive individuals. Only then can they work for the deen of Allah and the betterment of the society.
Did you know Allah, too, makes promises?
Learn how to become one of the very special people who have an oath with Allah!
Youth Club presents:
With Speaker Hajrah Usman Khan.
Every Saturday, from 4.00 to 5.00 p.m.
At House 40, Back Street 38A, F-10/4, Islamabad.
Contact at: 03427478377 #halaqah#Promised#youthclub#yc
YC Cares - Youth
The spotlight comprises projects that are done or under the way by YC. The YC Care consists of events that are brought into human welfare....
In an age of utter confusion and desperation, when parents are struggling to get their children out of the rooms and into the playgrounds, Youth Club comes along and gives parents an exciting option. YC provides a place for the children where they will not only learn football skills but will become well-rounded individuals who are well-equipped mentally, emotionally and socially.
In the process of ridding the kids of the habit of extensive device usage, Youth Club Football Academy will not bore the children beyond oblivion, but instead it’ll provide wholesome alternatives to spend time. The whole purpose of YCFA is to nourish the mind, body and soul of young individuals in a fun and contemporary way.
Videos YC - Youth
Boost your Imaan by watching the Youth Club videos that are delivered by skilled speakers on important topics and brush up your knowledge....