
This is my story – a journey of a doctor and non conformist researcher to awakening of life’s mysteries.
  • diabetes care
  • chiyyaram , thrissur , keralas
This is my story – a journey of a doctor and non conformist researcher to awakening of life’s mysteries.
  • diabetes care
  • chiyyaram , thrissur , keralas
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This is my story – a journey of a doctor and non conformist researcher to awakening of life’s mysteries.


diabetes care
yogesh doctor
panchakarma treatment


A Near Death Experience in my early 20s while I was still an undergraduate student pursuing degree in Ayurveda made me ponder about life and beyond. I found myself embroiled in existential questions often, trying to find out answers in spiritual texts such as Vedas and Upanishads, soon to realize it is futile and analogues to grope in darkness unless you have light of your own, to say your own experience..
I turned to Meditation thereafter and after almost 13 years of sadhana –spiritual striving –on one fine dawn, a true sense of being awakened in me, call it “self realization” or “oneness with all” – terms rarely matter.
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