Darshan Kothari

  • 2307 Fenton Pkwy Ste 107 POB800 San Diego, United state
Darshan Kothari is the Founder & CEO of Xonique.
  • We build cutting edge AI software solutions for startups and
  • 2307 Fenton Pkwy Ste 107 POB800 San Diego, United state


Darshan Kothari is the Founder & CEO of Xonique.


Artificial intelligence
Machine lerning
software developer


Darshan Kothari is the Founder & CEO of Xonique, a global-ranked Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development Company. With 10+ years of experience enabling then Startups, now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability to technology and trends. He is passionate about every aspect and dedicated to making IT simple, accessible, and approachable for business enterprises.


Marketplace Listings

Machine Learning Development Company

As a leading machine learning development company, we reshape business processes and unlock new industry opportunities with AI/ML. Our tech-...
2 weeks ago | 14 views
As a leading machine learning development company, we reshape business processes and unlock new industry opportunities with AI/ML. Our tech-...

Generative AI Development Company

The digital age has revolutionized business with generative AI development services, transforming industries and creating new opportunities....
2 weeks ago | 14 views
The digital age has revolutionized business with generative AI development services, transforming industries and creating new opportunities....

List of the Top AI Development Companies in 2024

An AI development company powers diverse industry by integrating artificial intelligence to enhance services, automate processes, and improv...
2 weeks ago | 29 views
An AI development company powers diverse industry by integrating artificial intelligence to enhance services, automate processes, and improv...
