Ankit Desai

Dr. Ankit Desai, MD is a Vitreoretinal Disease Specialist in Plainfield, IL, and has over 12 years of experience in the medical field.
  • Vitreoretinal Disease & Surgery
  • 15905 S Frederick St Suite 105 Plainfield, IL 60586
Dr. Ankit Desai, MD is a Vitreoretinal Disease Specialist in Plainfield, IL, and has over 12 years of experience in the medical field.
  • Vitreoretinal Disease & Surgery
  • 15905 S Frederick St Suite 105 Plainfield, IL 60586
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8:00 am - 2:00 pm


Dr. Ankit Desai is providing retina care across the Chicagoland area including Plainfield, Oswego, Bolingbrook, Naperville, Joliet, Shorewood, Crest Hill, Wilmington, Yorkville, Morris, Minooka, Channahon, More


Added on 27 October 2022
Dr. Ankit Desai has been offering outstanding eye care to his patients for several years. He possesses excellent communication skills. Furthermore, he is proficient in time management, organization, and problem-solving. If you have developed any eye problems, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Desai and the team at Windy City Retina.

Know more: https://windycityretina.postach.io/post/dr-ankit-desai-md-a-prominent-ophthalmologist-in-chicagoland
Dr. Ankit Desai MD: A Prominent Ophthalmologist in Chicagoland windycityretina.postach.io Dr. Ankit Desai MD, is a professional ophthalmologist and founder of Windy City Retina. At Windy City Retina we always aim to provide advanced and personalized ...

Added on 14 October 2022
Added on 28 September 2022
Diabetes can lead to many eye problems. These diseases include Diabetic Retinopathy, Cataracts, Glaucoma, etc. that can affect vision.

Read the article, you will get to know about how diabetes can affect your vision. https://windycityretina.blogspot.com/2022/09/take-look-at-how-diabetes-can-affect.html

Added on 13 September 2022
Get Everything Know About Retina and Its Health windycityretina.postach.io In the human body, the eyeball is the most important organ made up of many delicate and powerful parts that helps us to see things. The retina is one of the mos...

Added on 07 September 2022
September is Healthy Aging Awareness Month!

Let us spread awareness and help people celebrate the positive aspects of growing older.

Eating right, exercising often, and seeing your ophthalmologist regularly will help keep you healthy as you grow older. See how healthy lives = healthy eyes: https://bit.ly/2ISv2bA

Your eye health is one of the valuable assets, so don't neglect it.

Schedule an exam with Dr. Ankit Desai 📞 (815)714-9115

#WindyCityRetina #HealthyAgingMonth #DidYouKnow #Ophthalmologist #EyeCareProfessional #HealthyEyes #EyeExams

Added on 23 August 2022
The retina is the most important part of the vision. In case the retina is damaged or degenerated it can cause many eye problems or even blindness also. Read blog posts to know about the warning signs that should be considered before they can lead to retinal damage.
10 Warning Signs of Retinal Damage that Should be Consider windycityretina.medium.com The retina is the most important part of the eye as it makes it possible to see things. It acts as a messenger and connects your eyes with…...

Added on 17 August 2022
The macula is the center portion of the retina that is helpful to central vision. When there is a breakage in the macula then our ability to get reading and write also gets affected mostly old people suffer.
#RetinaCenter #Ophthalmologist #EyeCareServices #MacularHole #MacularSurgery #CentralVision


Added on 11 August 2022
Windy City Retina business.plainfieldchamber.com Ankit Desai, MD is a board-certified ophthalmologist specializing in the medical and surgical treatment of vitreoretinal and macular diseases. I am a native Chi...

Added on 21 July 2022
Eye Dilation during the eye examination is necessary for a comprehensive evaluation of the eye. Dilated eye drops are used to enlarge the pupils for helping doctors properly view the optic nerve and retina. In this article, the need for dilation during an eye examination is discussed. #DilatedEyeExam #Ophthalmologist #EyeCareProfessional #EyeDoctor #EyeCareCenter #Physician #EyeExam

Read Article
Importance of Eye Dilation During My Annual Exam! windycityretina.com Do I need eye dilation during my annual exam? Read the article to understand how eye dilation help doctor detect serious eye diseases....