Offering Innovative, Stylish & High Quality Windows & Doors
Window Magic is one of the best choices for uPVC windows and doors, sliding windows, casement windows and sliding doors or turning doors. Our windows and doors are prepared from the uppermost grade of uPVC, strengthened with steel for enhanced structural strong point. Window Magic is one of the best uPVC doors and windows dealers in Delhi, where it offers customers innovative, stylish and high quality uPVC windows and doors for both residential and commercial drives. The company takes care of your thoughts of designing your home and turns them into a whole work of art. This kind of care enables you to live in a pleasant environment. The beauty of windows is more than just skin deep; professionally built and installed u-PVC windows are an effective line of defense against intruders.
Being one of the best uPVC suppliers, our uPVC windows are already energy efficient as they are designed to control heat flow across the frames. However, different products come with different energy ratings and the government is now imposing standards on minimum requirement. A simple A-G scale is used with an A rating that implies top energy savers. The best uPVC windows feature an A++ rating but you can still find some good B-rated options.
Manufacturer’s Warranty
Although, this might not seem so important, it actually is. Choose uPVC windows India with warranty and guarantee including provisions to replace any faulty deliveries and installations. The best offers have up to 10 years of warranty period, which is a great way of assuring clients of the quality and durability. Therefore, if you are also looking for best uPVC windows dealers then immediately get in touch with Window Magic’s uPVC products and avail lifetime benefits.
702, Naurang House, 21, K.G. Marg new delhi, 110001,
Carrying an eye for detail and customer needs, without compromising on quality, Window Magic is amongst the initial introducers of uPVC to India. Used for the manufacturing of doors, windows, partitions More
Windows maintain a pleasant inside temperature of your home all round the year, in every season. uPVC windows play a decisive role in the energy-efficient renovation. WindowMagic manufacturer of best uPVC windows and doors supplier’s manufacturers in Delhi India.
Majority of the population that lives in urban areas faces the problem of sound pollution. These urban areas are mostly surrounded with restaurants, bars, live music, festivals, sporting events and traffic noise. This means that the majority of people can enjoy the best in cosmopolitan lifestyles but with this people are lacking is peace and serenity. To overcome this one can install uPVC double-glazed windows. uPVC has emerged as an alternate form of plastic that is safe, sturdy and durable....