William B.Wynne

  • 2501 Orient Road, Suite D Tampa, Florida 33619
Best Tampa Criminal Defense Lawyer
  • Tampa Criminal Attorney
  • 2501 Orient Road, Suite D Tampa, Florida 33619
Added on 11 May 2022
Statutory Rape in Florida

The Age of Consent in Florida is 18. The age of consent can be thought of as the minimum age at which an individual is said to be legally able to consent to participation in sexual activity. The Law Office of William B. Wynne aggressively defends statutory rape charges involving minors below the age of consent in Florida, along with other sex crimes. Book a free consultation via calling us at 813-532-5057. We will be glad to assist you.

Visit at: https://www.yourtampacriminallawyer.com/blog/florida-statutory-rape-the-age-of-consent-in-florida/

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Get a top rated criminal defense attorney in Tampa, FL. If you are facing criminal charges, William B. Wynne is an experienced or best criminal defense lawyer in Tampa. We offer free consultations and More
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