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8 Types of Keywords in SEO to Elevate Your Web Traffic
The keyword is the prominent step to a successful SEO. Actually nowadays, effective keyword research is an important skill for digital marketers. Adding the right Keywords drive the maximum traffic on your webpage, thus creating more and more interaction, which will help you to generate a good profit. In this blog, I introduce you to 8 #typesofkeywordsinSEO to elevate your web traffic.
Create Lead form ad extension on Google Search ads
Google has introduced a new lead form ad extension designed to help users to provide contact information without ever leaving the SERP: lead form extensions. Here, we are sharing everything you need to know: what a lead form extension is, what are the benefits of google lead form extension, and how to #createleadformsingoogleAds to start boosting your conversion rate!
Social bookmarking is the best technique to get traffic. It would be helpful for getting quality backlinks with organic search traffic. “If you would like to bookmark your website link for getting huge traffic, make sure you have chosen the high PR social bookmarking sites such as Reddit, flicker, Digg, more” Or if you work as SEO or digital marketing, you must know about it. Here I introduce 50+ high PR do follow social bookmarking sites lists. Read more.
While creating themes or plugins you may need current user logged in ID in WordPress. In this article, I am going to share with you two easiest methods to #getthecurrentuseridWordPress.