Nowadays CA result is declining, because at the first time the result was 13 and the second time it all up to nil. That means, if 100 students are giving paper out of that 13 are getting pass and 87 students are getting fail.
Does anyone knows why the students are getting fail, why the result of ca is declining, why they are not scoring good marks, does anyone knows, who’s responsible for this (icai). because most of the students say that icai always give the bad result, icai result is not good all the time, for the bad result icai is responsible, because many of you are connected to social media and you know that the exam copies are getting in a wrong hand for checking, and that’s true icai is following the wrong procedure of copy checking, because all of we have seen on the social media and the truth is that only the exam copy checking procedure is wrong of icai, and that thing icai will do because this is the right of icai, because we observe everything ideally, rationally, most of you will say that copy should be checked in an authorization way,but we expecting a good form another in spite of seen own self only, in nutshell we expecting good thing from another person, are we are doing good with that person, in our ethics it has been mentioned that we have to always say the truth, but are we following this, in many of you how many are there, who always say the truth, many of the parents ask to you, what you are doing, you I am studying, are you saying truth, so why you are expecting from the others.
what‘s an exam copy value for you, for you it defines your career and if we ask checker, it defines the value of 100-150 per exam copy, that means 110x8=880 the value of your future is only of rs880.
Are this mistakes happening from nowadays no, it's happening from the beginning, because icai doesn't have the authorized center where all the people come and check their copies. And that thing you have to decide what you have to do, for avoiding this uncertainty. Many of you give the exam, test and from that the result come which come in that there are two types of mistakes. 1st mistake is that which you had done, which will clear you after checking the answer key and another mistake is that, which is performed by the examiner, and you have to overcome these 2 mistakes, your mistake as well as the examiner mistake, both you have to overcome by yourself only.
How you will overcome your examiner mistake?
First you have to focus on the key area's points, like the way of presentation, and how you will represent it to the examiner, that all things matter a most, and the main thing you have to focus on your quality and your content writing part, that how quality content you are writing. Because that quality content examiner will not find, you have to show it, to the examiner for the better result, this thing only you can overcome, not icai will overcome this thing,
Nobody wants that the procedure of copy checking will be done wrong, and if icai says that to the examiners you have to check the copy rationally in a manner, otherwise, icai will cancel your membership, so its not a good point to establish. if many of the examiners say no for the copy checking then how will icai will work as an organization
What we are thinking to overcome things, first we have to see all over, that it will be effective or not because, will it be feasible for everyone to work in this environment, because somehow icai says to its member, examiner if you don't check copy in a rational way, your membership will be canceled, and what the outcome will be of that statement, if all the members say that we will not check copy from now and then how icai will work in the surrounding, so this thing only you have to maintain with your own, that’s what you are doing, how you are presenting in the proper way.
And the main thing of the wrong copy checking is a close watch because icai has thousands of examiner, and how it could be possible for the icai to make close watch on the each and every examiner, this is the human mistake it could happen anywhere, but it could not be improved also. So you have to check it out, that how you can get the marks in the given situation.
Ca exam is not a very tough exam, and if you will take it in a systematic way, in a proper manner, it would be easy for you, because many of the candidates do not follow the instruction in a systematic way and with that the results decline, and it seems peoples that the ca is very tough, so its not a tough exam you have to follow it in a systematic way.
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