
Volklite is recognized as the fastest growing talent platform in Indian Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art community. We help our recruiters hire good profe
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Volklite is recognized as the fastest growing talent platform in Indian Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art community. We help our recruiters hire good profe
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Volklite is recognized as the fastest growing talent platform in Indian Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art community. We help our recruiters hire good professionals for all their service needs. More


Added on 07 August 2018
Volklite is recognized as the fastest growing talent platform in Indian Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art community. We help our recruiters hire good professionals for all their service needs. It has been designed in such a way to full-fill the needs of industry. We also promote services provided by various production and media community.

Vision of Volklite : To provide a better platform for young talent in the field of Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art industry.

We would love to

Added on 01 August 2018
Image result for dance images

Volklite is recognized as the fastest growing talent platform in Indian Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art community. We help our recruiters hire good professionals for all their service needs. It has been designed in such a way to full-fill the needs of industry. We also promote services provided by various production and media community.

Vision of Volklite : To provide a better platform for young talent in the field of Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art industry.

Added on 24 July 2018
VOLKLITE is doing a good job of bringing the fresh talent and production houses together by creating a job portal. A sincere effort of Volklite by being the bridge in between should make win-win situation for all concerned in the field.

Added on 20 July 2018
Volklite is recognized as the fastest growing talent platform in Indian Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art community. We help our recruiters hire good professionals for all their service needs. It has been designed in such a way to full-fill the needs of industry. We also promote services provided by various production and media community.

Vision of Volklite : To provide a better platform for young talent in the field of Media, Entertainment, Creative and Art industry.

We would love to