
A world class integrated healthcare system, with a focus on compassionate super care. Leading the way in education, research and practice
  • Best Medical Institute in Bangalore
  • #82, Nallurahalli, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560066
A world class integrated healthcare system, with a focus on compassionate super care. Leading the way in education, research and practice
  • Best Medical Institute in Bangalore
  • #82, Nallurahalli, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560066
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The Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research centre is one of the leading medical institute providing education and health care services of truly global standards. A comprehensive range of general More


Added on 14 April 2020
Vydehi Reviews/Testimonials-Vydehi Medical College Student
Check here Vydehi reviews and testimonials. Medical college students given their opinion on vydehi institute of medical sciences.

More Vydehi Reviews - http://www.vims.ac.in/education/medical-college-testimonials.html

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Added on 30 August 2019
5 Best Mental Health Apps - Medical Institutes in Bangalore
With the growing number of mobile phones across the world and also in India and ever increasing use of applications, it’s no wonder if you find an app to resolve any of you problems related to house management, health management, diet management and more. Today with the hectic work schedules and high stress levels associated with work, mental health issues are also increasing day by day.
5 Best Mental Health Apps vims.ac.in There are many more that are your best on the go companions or mental health management assistants helping you help yourself with staying at peace with yourself...

Added on 29 May 2019
Risk of Breast Cancer in Trans Women Post Hormone Therapy Escalates To Over 45 Times
A Study has found that trans-women undergoing the gender change procedures increase their risk of getting breast cancer by over 46% as compared to men. The study was carried out on over 2000 trans-women and it was found that after undergoing the sex change procedures 1 in 200 came under the risk scanner of breast cancer as compared to less than 8000 in men.

Added on 26 September 2018
General Medicine - Dept of General Medicine Course - VIMS
General Medicine Course – Dept of General medicine at vims.ac.in. Department of Medicine runs OPD services on all days for all types of cases like emergency cases of heart, lung and neurology and also poison and medico legal cases
General Medicine | Dept of General Medicine Course vims.ac.in General Medicine Course – Dept of General medicine at vims.ac.in. Department of Medicine runs OPD services on all days for all types of cases like emergency c...