Video Marketing

    Added on 12 August
    How to Set Custom Aspect Ratios for Videos on Mac Choosing the right application. A description of Final Cut Pro, iMovie, and Adobe Premiere Pro. How to enlarge screen on Mac. HandBrake. Summary.

    Added on 13 June
    Buy YouTube Subscribers and Evolve Your Channel By purchasing YouTube subscribers, you won’t just get more people to your channel but also guarantee your long-term impact on the platform if you continue to create high-quality content.

    Added on 28 March 2023
    Council Post: Video Marketing Trends That You Cannot Ignore In 2023 forbes.com We are in the middle of a modern age of video advertising, and marketers are feeling the shaking consequences....

    Added on 26 September 2022
    The Rise of Video Marketing: How to Use it for Your Business The marketing landscape has witnessed a monumental shift with the explosive growth of video. What was once a cutting-edge tactic just a few years ago has now evolved into an indispensable element of any successful marketing mix.

    Added on 16 July 2022
    Watch: Inside America's hottest brands adage.com Exploring why today's buzziest products, people and services have risen to the top—and why....

    Added on 16 July 2022
    How To Successfully Include Livestreaming Into Your Marketing Plans | MarTech Cube martechcube.com Video marketing remains a staple for today's marketers. Nick Mattingly highlights how marketers can livestream with their iOS devices to create clear, crisp...

    Added on 16 July 2022
    3 Signs You Need to Change Your Digital Marketing Strategy - The Video Ink thevideoink.com The marketing world is pretty difficult to wrap our heads around. There are so many factors that flow into the overall effectiveness of our marketing campaigns....

    Added on 16 July 2022
    Drive Email Engagement with Embedded Video practicalecommerce.com Embedded videos in marketing emails can increase clicks by upwards of 300%. Here's our primer on dos, don'ts, and getting started....

    Added on 16 July 2022
    Creating video content for luxury brands: a how-to guide thedrum.com Creating enticing video content for luxury brands is increasingly desired from the marketing industry. Frances Martin-Issacs, creative director at Relevance, sh...

    Added on 16 July 2022
    Brand awareness improved by 26% when adding native video ads in the open web to a marketing mix: Study | The Financial Express financialexpress.com 59% of study participants that received a native video ad exposure expressed brand favorability...
