
  • Canada
Currently based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Vazrick Nazari is an evolutionary biologist and entomologist Specialist Ontario Canada.
  • Biology Specialist Ontario Canada
  • Canada
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Currently based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Vazrick Nazari is an evolutionary biologist and entomologist. The University of Alberta awarded him an MSc in 2006 and the University of Guelph awarded More
Added on 10 May 2022
Vazrick Nazari Ottawa
Biologist and Entomologist Specialist Ottawa
Entomology Specialist Ottawa || Biology Specialist Ottawa

The University of Alberta awarded Vazrick Nazari an MSc in 2006 and a Ph.D. in 2011 respectively. In addition to taxonomy and biogeography, he studies molecular systematics and evolutionary biology. Aside from entomology, he is interested in cultures and arts of various countries, including butterflies and moths.


A rare swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) accidentally caught by Vazrick Nazari when he was 10 made him fascinated with butterflies. His school's show-and-tell