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    Added on 14 August 2018
    #Selenium #InterviewQuestion #PythonAutomation

    Selenium overlooks browsers. That is it! What you can do with this power is your decision. Primarily, it's for automating web software for testing functions, but isn't restricted to exactly that. Boring on-line government tasks may (and if ! ) ) Be automated.

    Selenium has got the aid of a number of the most significant browser sellers that have obtained (or are taking) learning to produce Selenium an indigenous portion of these own browser. It's also the center technology
    Selenium Interview Questions PDF - 100 Most Asked - Unwired Learning unwiredlearning.com Most asked Selenium Interview Questions PDF. Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions & Answers PDF with manual testing interview questions....

    Added on 11 August 2018
    #DecentralizedInternet #CryptoCurrency #Web3

    An enormous benefit of Web 3.0 is that the move towards having the ability to gain access data from anywhere. That is being driven by the signature using smartphones along with cloud computing software.

    The theory is to ensure the user may get as much data as you can from anywhere, not simply their residence. Tech is hoping to enlarge this idea in a way that allows televisions to pick upon user data, also allowing smartphones to gain get
    Decentralized Internet, Will Web 3.0 Will Rule 2020? - Unwired Learning unwiredlearning.com Behind the scenes, the framework on which decentralize internet or Web 3.0 works requires connecting users with digital providers are markedly distinct....