
  • 117/k/43, #F1 1st Floor, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpu
TruelyMarry is one of the best online matrimonial sites with 100% verified profiles
  • 117/k/43, #F1 1st Floor, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpu


TruelyMarry is one of the best online matrimonial sites with 100% verified profiles


Matrimonial site
matchmaking profiles
Online matrimonial site


TruelyMarry.com is the No.1 Indian matrimonial website that offers a customized matchmaking service for Indians. It was launched by Rajeev singh in 2010 with a vision of making matchmaking easy, economical and efficient for all its members from India.
We help in creating the most romantic matrimonial websites and mobile apps for brides and grooms on the web. We provide the best technical support to our customers at all levels and help them get their online presence in order.