The Next Tech

  • Seattle, WA, USA
TNT is the world’s leading online tech platform for B2B & B2C. We create cutting-edge technology.
  • TNT is the world’s leading online tech platform for B2B & B2C.
  • Seattle, WA, USA
  • 500 Terry Francois Street
    Seattle, WA, USA, Washington 98105, UNITED STATES


TNT is the world’s leading online tech platform for B2B & B2C. We create cutting-edge technology.




TNT focuses on tech information, the latest tech, updates, and news with inspiring stories. Our ultimate goal is to educate, update and inspire everyone by providing needful stories. Here, you” ll get to know how startups are growing rapidly, and why they are making money in less span of time. We are updated with every field like Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Natural Language Processing, robotics, Digital Marketing, Blogging, and How to start making money online. We cover almost everything that you would like to learn or get information about.