The top education magazine covers global educational trends, updates about colleges, universities, institutes and more. It is one of the best education journals
The top education magazine covers global educational trends, updates about colleges, universities, institutes and more. It is one of the best education journals
The top education magazine covers global educational trends, updates about colleges, universities, institutes and more. It is one of the best education journals
Why Basic Education Should Not Compromise with Education System?
Being educated is itself an overwhelming feeling, but it’s not exactly. You learn for the entire life and that’s why education is a never-ending process. However, your effective basic education can thin this definition depends on the education system you belong to. Some say, the education system is far from perfect but there are practices where some good souls are investing their breaths trying to reshape-rewrite education exercises.
Survive Lockdown: Turn Self-Isolation Into Self-Improvement
The good news is, the situation has brought a highly unlikely opportunity that has fundamentally arisen our life circumstances. An opportunity to quench all thirsts you have. For most people especially youngsters, they are eager to complete many TV/Web series or a list of movies that they don’t want to skip anymore. But pause yourself and think twice about the precious never-getting-twice time you got. Think about the changes you’ve seen in nature; the air is purer than normal days, the sky is blessed blue, birds started coming to your window, and the yellow sunshine which was probably a dream some weeks back. If nature has taken some decent deep breaths, why couldn’t you? It’s time to be generous to your own life and re-discover yourself.
Best YouTube Channels For Learning You Should Follow In 2020..!
We are living in an age of technology where learning is no longer restricted to lecture halls and textbooks. And the best example of it is that you are reading this article online. Here are 7 Best YouTube Channels For Learning that can help you enrich your knowledge with entertainment.
Zara Aims to Only Sustainable Fabrics by 2025
Today, the generation is highly motivated towards ‘conservation’, and the idea around sustainable fabrics i.e ‘organic’, ‘natural’, and ‘green’ eco-friendly.
Everything around us is a product of creative minds thinking differently, challenging the norm, taking risks and learning from trial and error. Creativity comes when you give yourself room to fail, you innovate. To innovate and boost your creativity in life, you must keep your body and mind sharp. For that, your body and mind require their own kind of pampering. Therefore, when we treat them carelessly we are bound to have frequent health scares and issues. Here is why a lifestyle that embraces activities and hobbies that promote creativity, also compliments physical and psychological health. In this regard, World Creativity and Innovation Day (WCID) is globally celebrated to raise awareness around the importance of creativity and innovation.
Raising the Academic Level in Hospitality Education
Carrying forward the swiss hospitality legacy, around 58 years ago, Walter Hunziker, Vice-President of the Swiss Tourism Federation and hotelier Frédéric Tissot opened the “Institut International de Glion” in the former Grand Hotel Bellevue in Glion. Later in 1995, Glion raised the academic level of the school by introducing the first Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality, in answer to the industry’s ever-growing need for highly qualified managers. Being responsive to industry needs ever since its...
The top education magazine covers global educational trends, updates about colleges, universities, institutes and more. It is one of the best education journals