The Education Magazine

    The top education magazine covers global educational trends, updates about colleges, universities, institutes and more. It is one of the best education journals


    Added on 13 May 2021
    The United States of America (USA) trusts in education as the backbone of their growth. That’s why the government, foundations, schools, and organizations are aiding students around the USA with fully Funded Scholarships. The USA is well-known as one of the best study destinations loaded with some of the top-ranking universities in the world also; it is one of the most expensive nations to pursue higher studies from. Now, you might know that you need to find some scholarships for

    Added on 12 May 2021
    Covering the vast syllabus in a short span of time is always difficult. We all are confused and worry about the preparation. I think we all should follow some exam tips for successfully completing the exam.

    There are many questions that come to our minds when we sit and start focusing on the subjects. I remember when I was in my preparation for board exams. I was very confused about, How to study for my final exams? What is the best

    Added on 20 October 2020
    LGBT+Scientists Can Make STEM Workplaces
    how LGBT+ scientists describe their status at their institution, laboratory, classroom, or office. Discussing the complexity and hardship face by many scientists from sexual and gender minorities, here are some observations from a 2019 survey that backups this sense of invisibility

    Added on 19 October 2020
    Researchers Found How to Convert Plastic Waste Into Clean Fuel
    Researchers at the University of Purdue claim they found a technique that can turn plastic waste into clean fuel. They hit this as a partial but promising solution for the future to be adaptable to solve the plastic mounted problem. But why researchers are being needed to put their enormous effort finding a solution for something world has not even been started care for? Read More

    Added on 08 October 2020
    IBM and The Coding School to Provide Free Quantum Education
    The quantum computing course is designed to provide quantum education globally along with high-quality virtual STEM education for free; ensuring an equitable quantum workforce.

    Added on 07 October 2020
    Why Basic Education Should Not Compromise with Education System?
    Being educated is itself an overwhelming feeling, but it’s not exactly. You learn for the entire life and that’s why education is a never-ending process. However, your effective basic education can thin this definition depends on the education system you belong to. Some say, the education system is far from perfect but there are practices where some good souls are investing their breaths trying to reshape-rewrite education exercises.
    read more...https://www.theeducationmagazine.com/education-now/basic-education-education-system/

    Added on 06 October 2020
    15 Most Popular K-pop Artists and Bands
    What is K-pop culture?
    Korean pop is usually known as K-pop, an immense name for the musical genre produced within South Korea’s well-known music composing factories. It is one of the most outstanding genres all over the world, promoting an ostensibly never-ending stream of new talent and assembling trillions of fans on social media on a daily basis.

    Added on 05 October 2020
    Teaching is a sacred responsibility and one of the noblest professions. It is the only profession focused on socializing and humanizing people through their life. Teachers beyond academic enrichment are responsible for nurturing and shaping the future. Every country holds a specific status on celebrating the teacher’s day.

    Added on 01 October 2020
    About a decade ago, the word ‘social media’ would not have been heard by many. But today, the basic needs of a man are changing. Conventionally, they were food, cloth, and shelter but now, we have to add internet, mobile and social media to that list. Man has always been called a social animal and nowadays social media seems to be one of his most proficient social needs. Communication is the primary motto of the concept of social media. But

    Added on 30 September 2020
    The one aspect of educational videos is the ability of creators to generate a visceral feeling among viewers. A feeling so deep that makes the learners feel they are connected to the world. However, regardless of the topic, educational videos have always been pretty dull in the past.
    Michael Holston, a former American football player, and known online Tarzan, is creating just that – consistent and friendly animal videos. A man many people know online as The Real Tarzann is also