Testo India Pvt. Ltd.

  • Plot No. 23, Baner Rd, Sadhu Vasvani Nagar, Aundh, Pune, Mah
Professional measuring instruments and systems by the world market leader.
  • Plot No. 23, Baner Rd, Sadhu Vasvani Nagar, Aundh, Pune, Mah
Added on 04 October 2022

Best Light Lux meter From Testo India

9600 MRP

A light lux meter is a handy tool that can be used to measure the amount of light in a room. This device helps you identify and address any lighting-related problems that may be causing discomfort or impairment. Light Lux meters are also helpful for assessing workplace safety and productivity levels.

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Testo is a world leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of portable test and measuring instruments. Backed by more than 55 years of measurement engineering experience, our mission is to provide More
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