Tasha Ingram Fitness

  • 139 East 57th Street Manhattan, NY 10022
Tasha Ingram Fitness provides admirable in-home personal training NYC. You can receive personalized programs and guidance to achieve your fitness goals.
  • New York City’s Premier Fitness Training Service
  • 139 East 57th Street Manhattan, NY 10022
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Added on 06 November 2019
Are your employees in stress and having difficulty to focusing on work? Then switch to #corporatefitnesstraining now. To know the benefits of workplace #CorporateWellnessprograms go through this blog.
Top 8 Benefits Of Corporate Fitness Programs | Live Blogspot liveblogspot.com The corporate fitness training NYC is not only beneficial for employees but also for an employer to create a more dynamic....

Added on 17 October 2019
If you don’t have enough time visiting the #gym and you want to be healthy then it is best to hire an #inhousepersonaltrainer. To know about the several benefits of these #trainers, go through this blog.
How In-Home Personal Training is better than Gym Training? - Likeitgirl likeitgirl.com Nowadays most of you are so busy in your professional life that you even don’t have enough time to look after your health. And this thing is not at all apprec...

Added on 08 October 2019
If you want to get healthy and fit then join the stretching classes now. To know the benefits of stretching read this blog.
6 Reasons Why You Need Stretching Classes (Posts by Tasha Ingram Fitness) bloglovin.com Do you want to look beautiful, attractive and fit? For all of them, you need a fit and flexible body. Flexibility is one of the important and essential part of...

Added on 16 September 2019
5 Things Which Indicates That You Require Gym Personal Training

If you are doing gyming for a long time and getting no results then it’s better to opt for personal training. To know more about personal training go through this blog.

Indicates That You Require Gym Personal Training | Live Blogspot liveblogspot.com Nowadays everyone is health conscious and most of the people follow a strict diet and gym routine for staying healthy and fit. But there are some people who put...

Added on 22 March 2019
Why is it Important to Strengthen your Core Muscles? Whether you are a beginner or a fitness enthusiast it is very important to realize the importance of core training in your fitness program. Here are some of the important things you need to know. Read on!

Added on 11 December 2018
TOP 10 LOW-IMPACTS EXERCISE TO BURN YOUR CALORIES FASTER Tasha Ingram is very famous health and fitness writer and a personal trainer in NYC. Here, you will find very useful fitness, exercise and diet tips on her Facebook and Twitter profile. Her blogs will help you to maintain your diet and how to make an effective workout plan. Every workout plans are designed around to meet your fitness goals. Reach our website to know more.

Added on 25 June 2018
Tasha Ingram Fitness is New York City’s leading personal training service. If you are looking to get the best and flexibility training classes in NYC, she would be the best for you. She is dedicated to her clients’ and the goals they want to achieve. You can read more information from our website!
