Tara Kids is a hospital which offers its services exclusively to children and greater attention to the psychosocial support of children and their families.
Making solid tomorrows... for one youngster, for all kids.
Tara Kids is a hospital which offers its services exclusively to children and greater attention to the psychosocial support of children and their families.
Making solid tomorrows... for one youngster, for all kids.
Tara Kids is a hospital which offers its services exclusively to children and greater attention to the psychosocial support of children and their families.
Making solid tomorrows... for one youngster, for all kids.
Taara Kidsfacebook.com
Antenatal history for a Sick Newborn!!!It includes the series of events that have occurred during the intrauterine developmental period of Baby, which decides h... .... read more
Tara Child Care emphasizes on - Prevention and Planning. Most of our illnesses and chronic diseases in adulthood have their roots in early childhood and unintentional erroneous upbringing on the part of More
Celiac Disease in Childrenyoutu.be
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by an intolerance to gluten. Gluten is the general name of the proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley and o......
Febrile Seizures in Children!!!youtube.com
A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is a seizure associated with a high body temperature but without any serious underlying h......
Smoking Habit Among Adolescentsyoutu.be
Due to the addictive nature of nicotine, adolescents who experiment with smoking are at high risk to develop a regular smoking pattern and to continue smokin......
Taara Kidsfacebook.com
Contact history in Tuberculosis!!!As it is very difficult to diagnose tuberculosis in children as X-ray chest and other investigations are inconclusive..Here hi...