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If you are a milk lover and looking for a2 organic products like A2 cow milk, A2 ghee, A2 milk paneer, etc. then you can move without any thinking to SwadeshiVIP which is the purest, desi, natural, fresh, More
SwadeshiVIP offers A2 Gir Cow premium ghee which is made under the bilona method at the best price with free home delivery along with GPS tracking that too with COD facility and easy return policy. So, order now before offer expire!
. #A2GirCowPremiumGhee#A2GirCowGhee#A2Ghee#SwadeshiVIP
Lots of people asking or discussing about the difference between Gir and Hybrid cow (Hybrid cow also known as Jersey cow). Gir cow is the Indian breed and Hybrid cow is a foreign breed you can say. In this blog our experts research about all things like nutrition content, Physical Characteristics and many more of both cows.
Here is the expert point of view about Bilona Ghee Vs Processed Ghee by the SwadeshiVIP team. Bilona ghee is made under the process of wooden beater that is also known as Bilona. It is an ancient method of ghee making because of the process it is delicious, aromatic, healthier that too with full of higher vitamins. So, visit our blog and read more.
Why is A2 Milk Costlier than Regular or Normal Milk?
SwadeshiVIP’s experts thinking for a long time to show you a clear picture of this hot topic. After searching the nutritional benefit of A2 milk and regular milk our team has come up with a very clear point that too with depth analysis so, visit our site and read our blog. Do make an order of pure A2 cow milk at your daily budget price.
. #A2MilkCostlierthanRegular#A2MilkVsRegularMilk#SwadeshiVIP
Order SwadeshiVIP’s sweets online at lowest price with free delivery in Delhi NCR so, select from the wide range of Indian sweets, desserts and more from the SwadeshiVIP’s most selling products.
Lumpy Skin Disease: A Matter of Worry for Indian Gaupalaks
In the last few months, there is a new disease came in India which is Lumpy Skin Disease it has been spreading in cows across many states in India. It is a transmission disease that’s why it is rapidly increasing all over India due to this issue more than 1000+ cows have been dead till now and more are counting. If you are looking for how to protect them then read our blog.