Consult the best astrologer in South Delhi India. Get personalized astrological horoscope predictions, online astrological guidance, and effective solutions by
Consult the best astrologer in South Delhi India. Get personalized astrological horoscope predictions, online astrological guidance, and effective solutions by
Consult the best astrologer in South Delhi India. Get personalized astrological horoscope predictions, online astrological guidance, and effective solutions by
There is always a chance to rebuild your love life. Obstacles and opposition only aid the lovers to unite in stronger bond of love. Build your ground stronger with a clear knowledge of your planets. The orientations speak out the possible areas of difficulties and your strengths too. Having known these, you can settle in your love life with ease and élan.
Instead of beating round the bush, endeavors to bring about the facts that you ought to know. The problems can always be handled if you work accordingly. The remedial measures are empowered for you to suit your situation. The report prepared specially for you will guide you step by step into your love life for harmony and bliss.
Working towards one’s business is cakewalk for some and muddy road for a few too. Are you meant to move forward in your business or perhaps look for a job instead? How long would you put forth the efforts to tide over the problems? If these questions bother you periodically, you can get a Strength Reading for Business.
The Strength of your business can be understood and analyzed with the help of Vedic Astrology with the data provided by you. This unique language of planetary orientation will help you move forward with less stress and more productivity.
Saturn as such does not directly facilitate love relationship. However, Saturn is to help you know about basic traits of person you have tender feeling. This gives you enough time to know about integrity and commitment level of person in relationship. At times retrogression of Saturn can lead to misgiving among love birds.
At Astrology Horoscope India Center, we prepare a customized Love report for you. Avail this report and know well as to what this transit of Saturn in Sagittarius has in store for your love life.
Shadow planets Rahu and Ketu are viewed as much malefic. They traverse through one sign for around eighteen months. Both move in retrograde mode. If moving favorably, progress of business is to be notable. Things are to move at such a rapid pace that you do not have much time to ponder over a situation. At the same time if transit of Rahu –Ketu is not favorable this can lead sudden decline. Transit of these planets over luminaries is normally considered as an event to take note of.
For most of us, steady work life and a comfortable domestic scene is a dream. The stress and struggle of work gets reflected in personal life and at the end of the day, it is yet another struggle to plan for another day.
Is this what we bargained for? The job of your dream could be round the corner! Instead of taking an impulsive decision, and regret at leisure, why not seek help of the planets that have already written...
The commonly used word in today’s times, in matters of marriage alliance is ‘Mangalik’. There are various views and interpretations, leading to confusions and ultimately an unknown fear for the worst. In most cases, the negative impact of Mangal Dosh gets nullified, if the chart orientation is properly analyzed.
Why subject yourself to these, when you can know it for yourself?
Is your chart indicating Mangal Dosh?
It is time to get rational answers without indulging in age-old concepts and thereby ridiculing oneself.
This is an analysis of your kundali, with specific concern on Mangal Dosh in the chart of prospective groom and bride. Know the details for yourself, so that with proper knowledge you will be able to make progress in your life, without any fear.
The major part of one’s life is spent in work, profession and in matters of career. Problems in this a zone reflects in stress, health problems, friction in personal relation and rift with your partner.
This would need attention, before it is late. Detailed guidance on your question in career will help you in getting further in your profession; align yourself with the time period and empower you to carry out your responsibilities after proper knowledge.
Astrology, the language of the stars, unfolds the language of the planets and thus helps to assess every situation from a neutral perspective. Your horoscope holds the key to your life.