Stirling Collies

Stirling Collies is a licensed collie breeder in Minnesota, who shell puppy with an amazing offer that is a lifetime free replacement puppy.
  • A Licensed Collies Breeder
Stirling Collies is a licensed collie breeder in Minnesota, who shell puppy with an amazing offer that is a lifetime free replacement puppy.
  • A Licensed Collies Breeder
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Added on 14 September 2018
Are you looking to buy high quality and good breed puppy? Visit stirlingcollies.com or call us @ 320-420-9989. You will get the best breed puppy for sure.
Stirling collies youtube.com Stirling Collies is one of the best places to acquire some of the good looking healthy collies. This place owned by Diane Stirlings is by far the best when i......

Added on 05 September 2018
stirling collies is a good dog breeder like in Clearwater, MN. This is the perfect firm to buy the right collies to take your home for your family member.
Phone: (320) 420-9989

Added on 27 August 2018
Diane Stirling is a reputed breeder of Collies who can provide you good quality puppies. So, whenever you decide to buy a collie or a puppy visit stirlingcollies.com and make a wise decision.
Phone: (320) 420-9989
What will a good dog breeder provide to the puppy buyer? medium.com Are you sure about adopting a beautiful and cute collie puppy for your home? As you know, it is one of the beautiful looking and friendly…...

Added on 24 August 2018
If you have decided to go with collie dogs, it may be the right breed to match your home lifestyle. A large number of people love this breed and they love to give it time to maintain the beautiful coats of these dogs. #StirlingCollies offers dog breed of your choice at the pocket-friendly budget. To buy visit: stirlingcollies.com & call @ 3204209989.
Top 3 Friendliest Dog Breeds – Stirling Collies – Medium medium.com A family is incomplete without its four-legged companion. From golden retrievers to giant cuddly Huskies, there are just too many dogs to…...

Added on 14 August 2018
Bringing a dog into your family should never be a spur-of-the-moment decision. Our Glassdoor review is the most important aspects of the decision-making process to help you to choose the right breed for your family.
Phone: (320) 420-9989
Working at Stirling Collies glassdoor.com See what employees say it's like to work at Stirling Collies. Salaries, reviews, and more - all posted by employees working at Stirling Collies....

Added on 09 August 2018
#StirlingCollies is a professional and experienced collie breeder in Clearwater, offers happy and friendly collie to all the collie lover. Visit for once at least to meet your expectations.
Phone: (320) 420-9989
Stirlingcollies facebook.com Stirlingcollies. 102 likes. Stirling Collies is a Licensed MN working Collie breeder. StirlingCollies are born and raised on 8 acres of beautiful countryside/l...