James Smith

  • 8213 Cessna Drive
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  • 8213 Cessna Drive
Added on 08 April 2019

How to Find a Legitimate Drug Rehab Center

08 April 2019

The best drug rehab centers provide environments and programs that allow drug addicts to more effectively break an addictive cycle. While there, substance dependants can learn about the dangers of addiction. They get to equip themselves with practiced coping skills so they can sustainably break drugs dependence. 

Yet, rehab centers are not created equally. If you are looking for a rehab facility, you’ll want to ensure you pick a legitimate facility. But how can you tell if a rehab center is legit or not? 

Here are some tell-tale signs a rehab could be fraudulent.

  1. Ask to See Certification/Licensing/Certification/Licensing/Another Accreditation

Real drug rehab centers clearly indicate on their websites, brochures, and other material that they are licensed by the relevant authorities to do what they do.

Take a look at their official website. Do they show any certifications and licensing information?

Have they been recognized and awarded a genuine award that’s relevant to drugs addiction and alcohol abuse rehabilitation? 

Can you find any affiliations they have with well-known doctors and hospitals you can trust to offer you or your loved ones the care you need and deserve?    

  1. Generic websites or Advertisements

No matter how splendid its facilities show out, if any South Florida drug rehab has a generic website or an advertisement that doesn’t clearly show what recovery programs they offer or the treatment process they use, it could be a scam. 

Legitimate rehabs run ads that clearly show what they offer to their residents. Also see if you can find online reviews about the service on independent websites, social media groups, forums or offline seminars. 

Feel free to ask:

  • How did you hear about the rehab center?

  • Were you satisfied with their services

  • Were you satisfied with their price?

  • Were there any issues? If there were issues, were they handled with professionalism?

  • Would you take your loved one to the rehab facility again? 

    1. If you get positive answers, this is a sign that you may be dealing with a legitimate drugs and alcohol rehabilitation center.

2. That way, you can learn some programs that are must-haves in a legit, success-oriented rehab and what to expect from drug rehabs you get to know about.  

  1. Reliance on Natural Ingredients and Herbs

Sure, incorporating herbal remedies into a recovery program can help addicts fight irritation, lack of energy, depression, sleeplessness, poor appetite, and other barriers to recovery. 

However, natural ingredients and herbs alone can’t be relied on to fight the root cause of drug addiction. For this reason, any rehab facility that claims that they can help treat addiction using herbal remedies alone is likely being dishonest.

  1. Overly Short Drug Rehab Center Programs

Recovery programs that claim to do wonders in a week or two can be comforting, but the truth is; short programs don’t deliver any meaningful results. 

Remember, drugs addiction recovery is meant to help the person to also ditch old ways and adopt new, beneficial behavior. Legitimate recovery programs offer Programs of different lengths, from 3 to 12 months. 

During that time, you or your loved one will get sufficient time to develop resistance to inadvertent triggers, become responsible in various areas of their lives, and get their system prepared for a sober life outside the institution.  

  1. Guarantees

While rehab centers can and should promise that they will do everything in their power to help a loved one recover from addiction, they cannot, and should never guarantee of "full recovery". That, especially in a matter of days. 

The drug recovery journey takes time. Legitimate rehabs don’t go around telling clients that they can achieve results on a set, standard timetable. Because the drug addiction recovery process is a process involving the rehab, the substance dependent, and their support structure (loved ones), success rates vary—and they should tell you so.  

Over to you

Finding a legitimate drug rehab in South Florida can be difficult nowadays, given the high number of rehabs that are being established every year. But don’t let that intimidate you. Just make sure you read the guide we have provided above. It will help you identify a legitimate, compassionate, and licensed treatment center. 


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