In these days of hectic lifestyles, people are on the move as never before. People are on the move for their career, education, office work, vacation, and business. Clean clothes on your back are vital during these times. Even on weekends, people prefer to do something they consider useful, to staring at a laundry machine waiting for the clothes of the week to be cleaned and dried. As a traveler on the move in India, for work, business, or pleasure, you’ve doubtless had occasions when you needed to send your clothes to the laundry. If you’ve been living out of your suitcase in hotels, you know how expensive hotel laundry services can be. When in Delhi, you may have sent your clothes to a laundry service; but have you tried the laundry service par excellence—Spotless Wasche? Dry cleaning is like an essential service in today’s urban life. You’ll find dry cleaners in almost every location you can think of: shopping mall, strip plaza, business district, hotel areas, college and university campuses, neighborhood corner …. But when selecting a dry cleaner near you, look for these signposts for the best experience with a dry cleaning service.