Sox Erosion Solutions

  • BOCA RATON FL, 33487
Have you been going through a terrible issue of soil erosion? Contact the masters of erosion control and restoration of living shorelines and hillsides.
  • Erosion Control
  • BOCA RATON FL, 33487

Sox Erosion Solutions

Have you been going through a terrible issue of soil erosion? Contact the masters of erosion control and restoration of living shorelines and hillsides.
  • Erosion Control
  • BOCA RATON FL, 33487
Have you been going through a terrible issue of soil erosion? Contact the masters of erosion control and restoration of living shorelines and hillsides.
  • Erosion Control
  • BOCA RATON FL, 33487
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Added on 22 March 2019

Why Shoresox Should Be Used For Shoreline Erosion Control

During hurricane and rainy seasons, many homeowners and condominium will begin preparing by ensuring that their shutters on the windows are working, insurance policies are in place, and that evacuation plans are created in case the worst was to occur. However, there is one particular issue that many residents in South Florida are unaware of and that issue is the problem with eroding inland shorelines along lakes and golf courses. Of course, people are aware of the eroding beaches but there is never a mention of the same problem occurring with inland waterways. Without proper maintenance, erosion has the ability to result in dangerous conditions for residents or golfers and can cause legal problems for those charged with maintaining these waterways. The creation of many of these inland waterways was to control flooding during the rainy season and while it has been incredibly successful, the fluctuation of water flowing in and out causes significant erosion. Due to this erosion, there has been a search for a living shoreline solution. One option that has been seen to work well is Shoresox. Here is why Shoresox should be used for shoreline erosion control.

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What Is Shoreline Erosion And What Are Its Dangers?

You may be wondering what exactly is shoreline erosion and why are the consequences of it so dangerous. Shoreline erosion is the gradual diminution of a waterway’s shoreline by natural forces like wind and water that has become accelerated due to humans. While this may not seem like an important problem, the erosion causes the ground to become unstable and can lead to people slipping and falling into the waterway, whether it be a lake or canal. As well, golf carts and heavy equipment can roll into the waterway if the ground is not stable enough to carry the weight. Another danger is that the fluctuating levels of water can cause the area to become a haven for burrowing animals like fish and iguanas that can cause the unstable conditions of shorelines to worsen. These animals can worsen the situation since the soil is displaced and by digging into it, they displace it. The combination of these animals and the unstable ground can lead to people living on lakefront properties to avoid taking advantage of their backyard. Eroding shorelines can also leave drainage pipes, sprinkler systems, and even electrical or cable lines exposed to the elements. One last danger is that water can threaten homes and increase the chances of flooding.

What Options Are There For Shoreline Erosion

There are a variety of strategies that were created to control shoreline erosion. However, not all of these techniques are particularly good for the environment and are good protection methods against the erosion of a shoreline. Here are two examples  of the harmful shoreline options that exist:

  • Retaining Wall: This type of shoreline erosion alteration causes waves to crash into the shore, which sends most of the power of these waves downwards into the water at the base of a wall. The dirt is dug out from under the foundation of the wall which then causes it to eventually lean and tumble into the water. Even the construction of the retaining wall is destructive since it can increase the rate of erosion on neighboring properties. Not only do they increase the rate of erosion, but they can also destroy the ecosystem surrounded the waterway. The vegetative area would regularly provide shelter and nesting areas to animals but due to the walls, it would not be able to.

  • Artificial Sand Beach: Many people attempt to retain the natural substrate composition by dumping sand to create a beach or by clearing the natural vegetation. However, sand beaches are especially vulnerable to erosion since the sand can be washed away by waves as they recede and often times kill the vegetation underneath. The reason why killing the natural vegetation is bad is because of the fact that its roots provide food and shelter for aquatic mammals, birds, and turtles.

While there may be harmful options that exist in an attempt to help shoreline erosion, one particular living shoreline solution that exists to protect shorelines from eroding is Shoresox. 

Shoresox: How It Works And Its Benefits

Shoresox is one permanent and eco-friendly form of erosion-control that is available. It is an incredibly effective approach to reclaim shorelines and stop them from eroding. Essentially, what they are doing is they are filling a mesh armor with organic sediment and lining the shoreline with it to stabilize the ground. Eventually, it will become sodded and fully rooted so that it becomes a permanent of the shoreline and so that it does not become susceptible to further erosion. The sod will also act as a filtration system so that it can prevent fertilizers from polluting the lake or canal. However, it is able to anchor into the soil so that it implants with native vegetation. The source that is used is local and organic which can benefit local farming since they use straw or compost. Aside from protecting the shoreline from any future shoreline erosion, it also has the ability to restore the damage that has occurred previously to the shore. Due to the fact that it is composed of organic sediment, it has the potential to both implant with the native vegetation and the potential to have vegetation that flourishes. 

Overall, shoreline erosion is a serious matter that impacts both the ocean and the inland waterways. While there may be a variety of living shoreline solutions, none of them have the same beneficial impacts as Shoresox from SOX Erosion Solutions does. SOX Erosion Solutions has worked relentlessly to protect the shoreline from any erosion and to restore the shoreline from erosion that has already occurred. Their innovative technology has been able to improve the shorelines in Florida in the most cost-effective and environmentally-friendly way possible. Shoresox is the best solution to the problem of shoreline erosion that has become an increasingly important issue. Look at the SOX Erosion Solutions website for more details on Shoresox and where you can buy some!

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