
  • 301 Pinnacle building, Al Barsha 1, Dubai.
Solid Rock Music & Dance Zone is a leading music school & studio based in Dubai, providing the best music classes and lessons for all age group.
  • music academy dubai
  • 301 Pinnacle building, Al Barsha 1, Dubai.


Solid Rock Music & Dance Zone is a leading music school & studio based in Dubai, providing the best music classes and lessons for all age group.
  • music academy dubai
  • 301 Pinnacle building, Al Barsha 1, Dubai.
Solid Rock Music & Dance Zone is a leading music school & studio based in Dubai, providing the best music classes and lessons for all age group.
  • music academy dubai
  • 301 Pinnacle building, Al Barsha 1, Dubai.
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Added on 17 June 2022
music lessons al barsha
Solid Rock Music & Dance Zone is a leading music academy Dubai that has passed on decades of musical knowledge by creating a dynamic and advanced musical learning atmosphere that appeals to all music enthusiasts. solid rock dubai We provide high-quality music lessons to people of all ages in Dubai through professionally trained mentors who take joy in honing the musical skills of their protégés. The piano serves as a portal to all types of music. Solid Rock Music & Dance Zone offers the greatest piano classes in Dubai, allowing you to study at your speed in a peaceful and enjoyable setting. A piano is a simple instrument to learn and play, and it also makes studying music theory easier.

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