Soft Touch Dental

Dr. Weber is a dentist in Florissant MO that have years of experience to help you achieve a bright, healthy smile without hesitation or delay.
  • Soft Touch Dental | Dentist in Florrisant, MO
  • 1005 Dunn Rd, Florissant, MO 63031, United States
Dr. Weber is a dentist in Florissant MO that have years of experience to help you achieve a bright, healthy smile without hesitation or delay.
  • Soft Touch Dental | Dentist in Florrisant, MO
  • 1005 Dunn Rd, Florissant, MO 63031, United States
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  • 1005 Dunn Rd
    Florissant, MO 63031, UNITED STATES


Dr. Weber is a dentist in Florissant MO that have years of experience to help you achieve a bright, healthy smile without hesitation or delay.


Soft Touch Dental has been the go-to dental practice for all your dental needs since decades.

We are happy to provide patient-centered care in the comfort of our office, where you'll find teeth cleaning, root canal treatments, dental braces , and everything else under the sun (including sparkling white teeth!

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene, having a caring dental practice is the key to success. Everyone's mouth is different and has unique needs. That's why at Soft Touch Dental, we offer personalized care plans that are suited to our patients' needs. Our team of dentist near Florissant MO have years of experience in their fields and all have advanced educations in both general and specialized dental work for children, adults or seniors with a variety of conditions. Whether you're in need of teeth cleaning or complex treatment options such as implant restoration or veneers placement, let us make your smile beautiful again- come on by! Book an appointment today!.

At Soft Touch Dental, our pediatric dentist Florissant MO know how to relax patients with their easygoing nature. Each patient receives an individualized evaluation which only enhances the treatment procedures for a more personal experience. You deserve it!

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