Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG)

Our Ultrasound courses are a unique multi-disciplinary experience, which bring together a variety of clinicians including MSK radiologists, sports doctors, phys
  • Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG)
Our Ultrasound courses are a unique multi-disciplinary experience, which bring together a variety of clinicians including MSK radiologists, sports doctors, phys
  • Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG)
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Added on 28 September 2018
SMUG offers the best education and training in diagnostic ultrasound in #musculoskeletalinjectioncourse. We are passionate about delivering high quality courses with unique facilities of St George’s Hospital Medical School in the Anatomy Lab. To know more information click here this post - https://bit.ly/2N5C3E9
#Musculoskeletalultrasoundcourse, #MSKultrasoundcourse, #MSKultrasound

Added on 27 September 2018
Sports Medicine #Ultrasound Group(SMUG) offers the most Comprehensive Certification Program in #MusculoskeletalUltrasoundcourse in UK. We use high specification machines and exclusive access to our online resources and content from our expert tutors. Read this blog - https://bit.ly/2Dzc9ca
#Ultrasoundtraining, #MSKUltrasoundcourse

Added on 04 September 2018
It is one of the top institutes where you will get assistance of professionals for #ultrasoundguidedinjection training and certification. They are providing some of the best courses that you can complete along with your graduation or medical studies.
Ultrasound Guided Injections of the Shoulder Girdle By Chris Myers ultrasoundtraining.co.uk Local corticosteroid injections are widely used for short-term pain relief and to help facilitate rehabilitation for patients with shoulder pain. The most commo...