When it comes to choosing the best schools CBSE in Kundrathur, check for the facilities offered by your nearby school. You will have an idea to choose Sivanthi Public school best for your kid’s education.
Sivanthi Matriculation School started in 2005 at Chennai, and now it is one of the best CBSE school near kundrathur, Porur and pammal Chennai which providing the warm and safe education environment for More
KG GRADUATION DAY in Sivanthi Public School, The students of KG Department have performed different programmes like Speech, Kavithai, Slogas, Song, Dance, Phonetic Sounds and sight words
Matriculation schools around porur, founded in the 2005s stands today as an institution of academic learning, that can be compared with the best matriculation schools around porur. The aim of the school is to encourage a love for learning among the students and inculcate in them a desire to excel at every level.
We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources. It is a co-educational school which aims to provide a full, liberal and comprehensive education. The object is to turn out young men and women with a keen sense of discipline, responsibility, initiative, self-reliance, integrity and loyalty.
Sivanthi Matriculation School started in 2005 at Chennai, and now it is one of the best CBSE school near kundrathur, Porur and pammal Chennai which providing the warm and safe education environment for the young students. #sivanthipublicschool