Nothing kills you more than stress. To smile, to feel happy is not a rocket science. Simple things we do everyday helps us take a big leap towards a happier tomorrow
Today I decided to forgive you. Not because you apologized or because you acknowledged the pain that you caused me, but because my soul deserves peace.
I Am Affirmations For Wealth, Success, Money & Prosperity
I strongly believe that what happens with us is a part of our belief system. if I believe i am a multi billionaire, everything in the universe conspires to make me rich. if I believe I am successful, nothing can stop me from being one.
Do not try to be so hard on yourself, trying to find answers to all yoru questions. Sometimes learn to take life as it is. Accept the answers which are not given to you. May be it will work out the best for you. Sometimes just think of taking a quiet walk around a lake and wonder about things which are more beautiful in life. Sometimes reduce your pace and just say to yourself, "I will have a relaxed day"
Her hands had known
and touched and felt
the best and the worst
that life had to offer.
They’d held a newborn
they’d kneaded bread
they’d mended sweaters
they’d caressed her man
felt a rose petal
petted a cat
soothed a boo boo
prayed to God.
Her hands had seen
their share of toil
and despair
triumph and joy
sorrow and love.