Shweta Nahata

  • Kolkata
As a Vaastu Consultant there is one thing that defines me..." Someone who loves everyone".
  • Vaastu Expert & Numerologist
  • Kolkata

Shweta Nahata

As a Vaastu Consultant there is one thing that defines me..." Someone who loves everyone".
  • Vaastu Expert & Numerologist
  • Kolkata
As a Vaastu Consultant there is one thing that defines me..." Someone who loves everyone".
  • Vaastu Expert & Numerologist
  • Kolkata
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Added on 12 April 2019


 At VaastuVedas we use specific instruments to clear your house off these harmful and life threatening stress radiations which disrupts your happy life and lead a host of life threatening diseases.

 Each one of us want to be HAPPY HEALTHY and HEARTY. Inspite of all our efforts people encounter stress which hampers the harmony and peace of life.

One such issue which is the talk of the day is GEOPATHIC STRESS which runs through the earth. When a structure is built above the GS RADIATIONS, the natural magnetic flow of the water energy is restricted and disruptive vibrations are sent in the building. If we sleep over these lines over a period of time, the body's resistance to diseases can be affected. At VaastuVedas we use specific instruments to clear your house off these stress radiations.

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As a Vaastu Consultant there is one thing that defines me...' Someone who loves everyone'. This is because love is that one condition where the happiness of another person is essential to your own. With More
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