Shreyas Kumar

A Digital Marketer And Content Writer
  • Internet Marketer
  • Hyderabad
A Digital Marketer And Content Writer
  • Internet Marketer
  • Hyderabad
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Added on 25 May 2022
Earlier Discord screen share feature may have been popular just with gamers, but later it self established as a collaboration tool that made small companies use it.

#DiscordScreenShare #DiscordVideoCall

Guide on Discord Screen Share & Video Call - Troop Messenger troopmessenger.com Earlier Discord screen share feature may have been popular just with gamers, but later it self established as a collaboration tool that made small companies use...

Added on 25 May 2022
The world is turning to super apps, so before your transition read this blog to learn more about them, their relevance, and a list of super apps.

#SuperApp #SuperApps #RiseOfSuperApps

10 Super Apps That Will Dominate The World in 2022 troopmessenger.com The world is turning to super apps, so before your transition read this blog to learn more about them, their relevance, and a list of super apps....

Added on 06 April 2022
Are you seeking a TeamViewer alternative? Then read this blog to learn about the finest alternatives, like Troop Messenger, AnyDesk, LogMeIn, Join Me, and more.

#TeamviewerAlternatives #AlternativesToTeamviewer #Teamviewer

Sick of TeamViewer? Try these 10 Free alternative to TeamViewer troopmessenger.com Are you seeking for a TeamViewer alternative? Then read this blog to learn about the finest alternatives, like Troop Messenger, AnyDesk, LogMeIn, Join Me, and m...

Added on 16 March 2022
What is Cyberbullying? If you don't know the answer, read this blog to learn how it will damage the victim's physical & emotional health and the company's reputation.

#WhatisCyberbullying #Cyberbullying #EmailBullying #WorkplaceCyberbullying

What is Cyberbullying and How it Affects Work Productivity? | Troop Messenger troopmessenger.com What is Cyberbullying? If you don't know the answer, read this blog to learn how it will damage the victim's physical & emotional health and the company's reput...

Added on 25 February 2022
Our cadre management app for political parties helps you connect with your countrywide cadre using a unified communication platform! Allow us to customize it for you.

#PoliticalCampaignSoftware #PoliticalPartyApp #PoliticalApp #PoliticalParties

Manage Party Cadre with Cadre Management App for Political Parties! troopmessenger.com Our cadre management app for political parties helps connect with your countrywide cadre using a unified communication platform! Allow us to customize it for yo...

Added on 25 February 2022
Splashtop vs. TeamViewer vs. LogMeIn! With this quick read, you can choose the best out of it to stay connected and productive with your remote working teams all the time.

#SplashtopVsTeamViewer #TeamViewerVsLogMein #SplashVsLogMein

Splashtop Vs TeamViewer Vs LogMeIn | Troop Messenger troopmessenger.com Splashtop vs. TeamViewer vs. LogMeIn! With this quick read, you can choose the best out of it to stay connected and productive with your remote working teams al...

Added on 25 February 2022
Read this blog to explore how virtual teams can benefit businesses, and advantages of offering flexible work hours, as well as the challenges you may face.

#VirtualTeams #FlexibleWorkHours #RemoteTeams #OfficeHours
Virtual Teams And Flexible Work Hours | Troop Messenger troopmessenger.com Read this blog to explore how virtual teams can benefit businesses, and advantages of offering flexible work hours, as well as the challenges you may face....

Added on 25 February 2022
Armor the command-control-communication system of the armed forces with the high-trust and most reliable Military and Defense Messaging System of Troop Messenger!
#Defense #DefenseChatApp #DefenseMessagingSystem #DefenseCollaborationServices #MilitaryChatApp
Secure, Self-hosted Defense Messaging System | Troop Messenger troopmessenger.com Armor the command-control-communication system of the armed forces with the high-trust and most reliable Military and Defense Messaging System of Troop Messenge...

Added on 25 February 2022
Air-Gapped Network/computers, because of their ability to act as a defense layer, has now become quite a buzzword. Developed initially for security-conscious teams like military agencies and government organizations, air gapping has also stepped into the private sector.

#AirGapped #AirGappedNetworks #AirGappedComputers #AirGap
What is Air Gapped Networks/Computer? How Applications work ? troopmessenger.com Air Gapped Network/computers, because of its ability to act as a defense layer, has now become quite a buzzword. Developed initially for security-conscious team...

Added on 25 February 2022
Read this blog to know the best tools for conducting business meetings effectively. The list comprises Troop Messenger, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, Cisco WebEx, etc.
#Businessmeetings #EffectiveBusinessMeetings #Meetings #Conferences
7 Best Tools to Create Effective Business Meetings in 2022 | Troop Messenger troopmessenger.com Read this blog to know the best tools for conducting business meetings effectively. The list comprises Troop Messenger, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, Cisco WebE...